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Look, bro, I took on your body on a daily 9-5 basis because you were un willing to do mates rates for this work, it’s not something I really want to be doing, especially since you have not had work since lock down began. I really don’t need you groping over me, perving on me, snapping pictures of me working.

Mate, bro, buddy. I’m not exactly perving on you am I? I’m really perving on my self. And as a matter of fact it’s all for my portfolio. I’m going to the bank tomorrow to get a big loan, enough to increase my business quite substantially.

I don’t really care what it’s for, while I’m using your body I’d appreciate it if you went somewhere else, heck I don’t even care if you use my body to shag my mrs, just don’t linger around me.

Why can’t I watch you work? Watch me work?

Just because, because if I can see you, I see me. If I can’t see you then I forget I’m in your body and just work harder. If I see you I realise what I’m doing and then just think about stuff.

Stuff like what?

Stuff like, these gloves ain’t mine, therefore these hands ain’t mine.

They are yours, you control them, well you do whilst your me.

But I’m not you am I? I’m just you for a few hours a day. Mate I can’t even bare to take a piss when I’m you. Don’t want to be holding my best mates cock.

Oh so that’s why I’m always desperate for the toilet when we swap back?

Yep, I can’t bare to hold your cock. Yesterday, you had, I had a dodgy tummy, I had no choice but to take a dump. Do you know how it feels taking a shit in someone else’s body?

I know exactly what it feels like, I take a shit most days in your body. It’s not that bad.

How can you say that? can you honestly say you enjoy this experience? Letting someone else, your best mate use and basically abuse your body for work purposes? Would it not be simpler for us not to swap and you just do the work for me? And don’t get me started on the differences to our bodies.

It probably would be a hundred times easier for me to do the work but no where near as much fun. I quite enjoy it when we return to our own bodies and smell the musk of a days work on my own body when truthfully I’ve hardly lifted a finger. And the size differences, I haven’t really noticed?

So you haven’t noticed that my dick is about 4 inches longer than your own? That your feet are tiny compared to mine, hell it’s hard to even stay stood up for 8 hours a day never mind walk about. Your hands are like shovels, so big compared with the rest of your body, and the beard, why bother having a ginger beard?

If you really dislike it so much then why swap every day?

You know why, because when I’m in my own body I have no idea how to do any of this stuff and you won’t do it for me.

Bro, do you know what might help? What might relieve some tension?

No, what?

Spend the night as me, live my life for a whole 24 hours, hell take the whole weekend if you like, you’ll learn to enjoy it.

Enjoy being you?

Mate, it’s not bad being me and I really think that your struggling with this because you hop out of me so often, spend some time getting to know me and you’ll learn to enjoy being me more and be able to relax. Just remember, in a few weeks your going to need other trades that I don’t know and your going to need to borrow the bodies of people you’ve never met before. At least this way you’ll experience a few days in the body of someone you know. Plus if you do it, then I’ll work next week for free and you can get back to your own body for a week, or bring in another tradie?



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