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You might thing joining the military is pretty cool especially with travelling the world and all the cool things you get up too. It wasn’t for me though, all the time away, constantly keeping fit and of course the constant threat of being injured or even blown up. For me it wasn’t cool it was pretty awful. I tried to get out but that would mean a dishonourable discharge and that often meant not being able to work in most if not all public service jobs. If I wanted to quit, I’d need medical discharge otherwise I wouldn’t even get a job as a hospital cleaner and my qualifications were worth more than that. But that’s when I got chatting to a non military friend of mine. He wished he had joined the military but wouldn’t get in not even epic he tried. His body wouldn’t hack he pace, every time he tried to get fit, some hurdle or obstacle would get in his way. Our conversations got weirder and weirder as the night went on and we came to the conclusion that it would be great if we could just swap bodies. We were completely joking about it obviously. But I could try to get his body in shape for him to join himself and I could get a break from the military and he would experience it first hand to make sure he wanted to join.

But then a stranger approached us. He said he had heard us chatting and he knew of a way we could body swap with each other if we were serious, he would tell us more, tell us how to do it and help us as well. He didn’t want any fees for doing it, he was just glad to help.

He told us that he had a magic tattoo gun. He tattoo gun has been programmed to allow body swaps by two people, providing they both had the desire to swap bodies and host agreed to have matching or similar meaning tattoos. The swap could happen from any distance and all we needed to do was text each other when ever we wanted to swap, then at an agreed time move our tattooed hand over our mouths. Within moments we would be in each other’s bodies. Each swap could only last for seven nights, and we would automatically swap back after seven days. We could of course swap back sooner if we liked, however, we had to spend at least two weeks back in our own bodies before we could swap again. We didn’t believe him so asked for a demonstration. To which he obliged but warned the swap would only last for no more than five minutes since he hadn’t used the tattoo gun on us.

He told us to sit facing each other and place one hand over our mouths then with the free hand, hold each other’s hand. We did exactly as he said and sure enough we swapped bodies with each other. I could tell by th grin my my former face that my friend was pleased to now be occupying my body. I knew it was because of how strong he now felt, how fit he felt and the few years you see he now was. I wasn’t so bothered, I could feel the nicotine and tar on my chest from his twenty fag a day habit. Moments later a sense of light headedness overwhelmed each of us and we were transferred into our own bodies.

So it was proven we could swap bodies, he question was did we both actually want too. His answer was obviously yes but I wasn’t so sure. Sure I’d get the break from the military but I wanted assurances that he would stop smoking, if he could prove he could stop then I’d agree to what was proposed and get the tattoo. Then the stranger suggested that he programmed the tattoo gun to prevent smoking whenever my friend had the craving. That would mean he would be prevented from smoking in his own body and mine too. It was a done deal from that point and the stranger bagan tattooing on our hands. A deathly skull on my hand and a hand skeleton on his. The weird part was that the tattoos came with us, as though our consciousness and minds were now within the tattoo. When we were swapped the skull would be on my friends body while I occupied it and the hand would be on my body while my friend occupied it. After a couple of hours the ink was done, it required five days to heal before its full capability and distance would work but the stranger suggested we tried it straight away and suggested that we agreed to swap back in an hour. I was going away in three days p, so a quick trial now and then a proper swap in five days worked perfectly for me. There was no need for holding hands this time and we swapped right away by just sending the text and both putting our own hands over our mouths. An hour later we swapped back as agreed.

I noticed a wet patch on my underwear when I returned to my own body I text my friend. He said he was sorry, he got a hard on as soon as he looked at himself in the mirror with my body. He knew of no other way to get it to go away then to jerk himself off, to jerk me off. I had the same feeling, but I didn’t dare touch my friends dick, it didn’t seem right. I told him this. Then he reminded me that we were going to be spending weeks at a time in each other’s bodies, it was inevitable that we needed to touch each other’s dick, even if we only touched it to go the toilet or to wash. It just seemed natural to him.

Five days passed by and I was on assignment as expected, I received a text from my friend asking if I was ready, I replied yes and moved my hand to my face I was instantly transported to my mates body.

My point of view (in Eric’s body - the one with the hand tattoo.)

Well I was t exactly thrilled to have arrived In Eric’s body. He was more un fit than I realised. He had stopped smoking as he promised but I was feeling the effects of that and it wasn’t good. But I suppose getting him fit was partly why I agreed to swap with him. Still I had seven nights in his body and there was plenty of time to start a fitness regime. For now I was happy being out of the military. And I’d better start exploring my new body I have a feeling we will spend as much time as we can swapped like this. Oh man, he’s got even more ink, head to toe skeleton it’s a little freaky. Tiny dick, am sure I can get some supplements or something to fix that. Why did I wanna do this again? To get a break from the military. Maybe the stranger can bond me with one of my more attractive friends?

MY friends point of view (Skyler - the one with the skeleton tattoo)

Oh wow I love being in Eric’s body, it’s so young and fir, and smooth. This dick is certainly going to get some action. Wait, no girls in the barracks so where does a man go to relieve himself? Oh wait that’s the pain in my arse. I don’t care my ass gets pounded every day, I still get to pump my dick into the other lads.



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