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Just to be clear, this isn’t going to hurt is it?

Won’t hurt a bit babe, I promise you.

I still don’t get why you even wanna attempt it.

Babe, I’m sick of being the bottom in our relationship and your not willing to try things the other way.

Your right, I’m not willing, I’ve tried it before, I’m not sure why anyone would want to have sex and feel like they are taking a shit every time they pull their dick out and it hurts too much.

So that’s why I want to try it. So we’re in each other’s bodies and can enjoy it the other way around.

But I’m still gonna feel the same when we’re swapped, if it even works and we do actually swap.

It will work and you’ll feel completely different, you’ll feel like me. You’ll enjoy bottoming.

But will I enjoy being you, I’m more than happy being me.

Babe, it’s just for a night, just to try it we can swap back before we sleep.

Ok fine, just do it and let’s get it over with. How does it happen again?

Oh well it’s really easy, like easier than riding a bike. Literally I stand behind you step into you, into your foot prints and drag the rest of myself inside you. We stay still for a minute or so then I take another two steps forward only this time I’ll be in your body and you’ll be in mine. You can help me get inside you if you like and reach behind, pull me into you.

Easy as that eh? I’m a little nervous.

Your bound to be, but yes it is as easy as that.

Fine, just do it.

Moments later I felt him pressing against me, at first it was like a ton of bricks being forced against my back and I was really struggling to be able to stand up straight. Then i reached behind and grabbed his ass and Began to pull him even closer to me. Next I felt a stabbing pain on the back of my ankles. I felt the leather of his trainers, the cotton of his socks, his nails, his toes and then his feet push inside my own feet, he wiggled his toes and I felt them rip through my own toes, then he did it again and instead of his toes ripping through mine my toes actually moved with his inside. Then his legs went within mine and I felt his dick go inside mine too. Now my hands were in my own ass. He pulled his arms in and his torso followed on in too. Then he raised my arms and hands and pushed his head inside mine. For the next minute or so we were fully merged together as one person. Next I felt the tearing again as he began to leave my body only this time he took my body with him and left his own behind.

He was now stood in front of me in my body. I knew it was my body as it was wearing the red and black top and stood slightly taller than I was now. It had worked and I was now the bottom of the relationship. Even though my new temporary body accepted being a bottom I still didn’t enjoy it like he said I would. So I couldn’t wait to get back to my own body, it’s been a week now and I keep asking him to swap back but he just keeps saying let’s stay this way a bit longer.



Ryan Thomas

“ I felt the leather of his trainers, the cotton of his socks, his nails, his toes and then his feet push inside my own feet, he wiggled his toes and I felt them rip through my own toes, then he did it again and instead of his toes ripping through mine my toes actually moved with his inside. ” I don’t know why but I love this part


This is the kind of feed back I love, tell me what you like and don’t like and I’ll do more of it or less if you don’t like it