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What the fuck are you doing sat in the driving seat, you got banned, you don’t have a license remember?

Of course I remember, I was just reminiscing of good times, of freedom, of being out on the road.

Well get out of that seat, it’s not worth the risk, if a fed sees you, they will arrest you and take my car.

I know, I ll get out in a sec, it’s just so unfair, it’s not even my fault I got banned.

I know mate and if I could help, you know I would.

Well..... Actually you can help, we could swap bodies for a bit and I could go for a drive.

Mate I don’t trust my own brother or dad with my car, it’s my pride and joy.

I know, just like mine was, and is, but if you agreed to it, I promise to treat your beast with as much respect as you do, maybe even more. But I will be you, bound by your beliefs and wisdom so I will only be able to treat your car with the same respect you give it.

Well why would I trust you with my body?

Dude, it’s for an hour or so, not eternity. I’m gonna go for a drive and come back to swap back that’s it. I’ll not even look in a mirror or look or touch at anything I shouldn’t.

And being able to drive is gonna make you happy?

It sure would. I would be forever in your debt.

If we do it, I’d be coming with you, make sure your treating my car and my body with respect.

That’s fine. Can we swap.?

Maybe, but how do we do it?

It’s easy, we don’t even have to swap seats, we just wear each other’s clothes.

Well that’s easy, but I’m not so sure you know. I’m almost 30 your only just 18, not sure I want to be 18 again. And I don’t really want to look like you, you say your blond, but really your ginger. And I just don’t want to be turned into someone else.

Who wouldn’t want to drop 12 years in age in a matter of seconds, for some being youthful is only a dream, you can get it easily and it’s just for an hour. Plus, my hair is dirty blonde, definitely not ginger.

Fine, an hour and that’s it and it’s the first and last time ok?

Sure man, thank you.

With that, we both stripped completely naked and handed each other our set of clothes. I had speedily raced to put his clothes onto my body. I was ready to be transformed but he wasn't yet. He was taking a lot longer. He questioned every item of clothing. Why do you need designer boxers when no one sees them, when did you last change your socks, what's with the grey jocckes, do I really need to wear your t shirt and your hoody and will these sneakers even fit me.

Look bro, I'm ready, my body is burning, waiting to be transformed, it doesn't matter when I changed my socks.or why my boxers are designer, your going to have my body soon and the sneakers will fit. My feet are bigger than yours and your smaller sneakers fitted my feet easily and yes you need my t shirt and hoody, even my watch.

A few sighs later and he had finally added all my clothes to his body and our swap began.

I suddenly felt very anxious, I was slowly becoming him, adding 12 years of age to myself. My body was growing and stretching in some places and shrinking in others I was definitely feeling older. I could also see the changes happening in him too. He was becoming younger and as he did all his cares disappeared from his mind. The career were now filling my head. Suddenly it dawned on me that he might not want to swap back. He might enjoy being 18 again so much that he refused to swap back. But now was not the time for worry, our swap.was complete and I had at least an hour of driving to enjoy.



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