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Look mate, it’s all just a bit weird, we welcomed you into our following as a friend, that gave you a chance to be our bro. But what we have just seen you do is taking it too far, it’s all just a bit too weird.

Weird is part of me, so if I’m to be in your following, weird is what you get.

Mate, there’s weird like normal weird, like liking the Gurkins in a maccy d’s, but your weird, that’s something else. What kind of freak does that? Like gets off wearing someone else’s clothes.

Hey, I’m no freak, I just wish people understood.

Understood what mate, help us understand.

Well, I just want to be like you guys, look like you, talk like you. I suppose when people look at the four of us, I do look like a freak, completely different to you.

Look, none of us looked like this when we decided To become scallies. We changed ourselves.

Changed, how?

Well that’s why we were a bit annoyed when we saw you wearing other people’s clothes. You see each part of us is made up from different people, our feet and heads from that of a pair of trainers we each robbed, our legs from someone else’s trackies, our top from some hoodies we robbed, we chose to look like this by wearing their clothes and adding a special potion to he clothes. THe potion, I have one more doepse left, it’s yours, but chose your clothes wisely.

What you’d do this for me..?

Sure it’s what friends are for.



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