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Look, I know your secret. I know what you’ve come for and I’m not going to stop you doing it but please instead of sending me into that black hole of nothingness at least transform me into something worth while.

Well, you’ve shocked me even that one sentence is more than I expected you to know. But since you asked so nicely, what do you have in mind?

Oh my, so you openly admit you can take over my body?

Of course. Why would I deny it? I’ve taken your body many times, I’ve taken others too, over many many years. Your the first to realise it though.

I’m smarter than your average you know.

I do know, that’s why I come back so often. So, you know, what do you want to become?

Well, as you can tell by the tattoos, that YOU got for me, I love cow boys. How about while your me, you turn me into a cow boy’s hat?

Why do I get an image of the milky bar kid when you say that.... weird..... I can’t quite do what you ask, I can only transform you into a body part or let you control someone else’s body, at a big push I can transform you into something your wearing now, but since your nor wearing a cow boy hat then it wouldn’t work. What I could do though is play around with your mind a little and when you become yourself again, you’ll be more cow boy ish. But for now you have the 3 options. A part of your own body, another person or an item of clothing your already wearing.

Well it’s a thumbs down for me, but if they are my only options then I suppose you’d better turn me into my underwear. I kind of like the idea of my own dick rubbing around inside me. And yes, I’ll take you up on the offer to make me more cowboyish. But make sure you buy a cowboy hat because next time you become me I might want to be the hat, or something else. Come to think of it instead of being my own underwear, what about turning me into my own dick?

The choice is yours, but your going to have to make up your mind quickly, I’ve already begun the process of taking over your body.

Ok then, I’ll stick with the underwear this time.

Moments later I had already begun to occupy his body and his mind and he had slowly began to slip away into he black hole of nothingness ready to be transferred into his own underwear. I was quite fond of the idea of wearing this guys body and also wearing him as underwear. I was sure I would only want to take him off when I showered. And without him in my mind, constantly trying to take his body back I might be able to stay for weeks instead of my usual day or two. Slowly as I filled every part of his body I gained control of each part of him individually. First of all I was always able to wiggle his toes, then move his feet, then bend his knees. It slowly began to make his cock erect and each time I saw it, I swear it got bigger, I do know that each time I take a body heir dicks grow to their fullest potential so a raging hard on was something I was used too, but this guy seemed bigger each time. Ext I felt his abs and pecs come under my control and then his arms and hands. Finally I was able to use his body again and I grabbed his dick with one hand and began massaging one of his feet. It may sound weird massaging someone’s feet but it was my way of figuring out if they had recently showered. Once I had gained control of his head I smelled my new fingers and decided if I needed to shower or not. Today was a good day, I didn’t need to shower yet. Then I felt in easy as he left his own body and became his own underwear. I had never taken someone’s body and been left alone inside it. It felt very strange. However, I was comforted by the fact he was still able to communicate with me.

The first thing I did in his body this time was buy a complete cowboy outfit, including a hat. He said the new jeans felt good against him and I agreed that he also looked good wearing it. He couldn’t wait to see. Now to mould his mind to being a cowboy, but for now I’m going to enjoy my time in his body.



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