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I had seen him many times and no matter what time of day it was or what he may of been up to in the moments prior to my encounter with my adorning eyes, he always looked perfect. It was as though he had plugged him self into a 3D printer and printed him self out each day. When I say perfect, I really do mean it. There was never a blemish on his skin, never a hair out of place not even dirt under his finger nails, and believe me I had got close enough to him on many occasions to notice. Even what I had seen of the artwork on his lower arms looked amazing, again like it has been printed by the best printer in the world. All of his clothes were branded high ticket items and he always spelled like he had just walked out of a perfume counter for men. Even after being in the gym he was perfect. I knew I had to get even closer to him and experience more of him.

At first I was thinking of ways I could do it, become his friend, his best friend, I even considered turning gay just to get close to him, but it would never work, I don’t know if he is gay or straight and even if he was gay there was no chance he would want to be anywhere near me, not even as a friend never mind a boyfriend. Anyway, what I needed and wanted from him went beyond being near him, I wanted to be under his skin, literally, I wanted to be him.

It didn’t actually take much research to be honest and I managed to find a way to astrally project my own mind and soul out of my body, I could even control my self whilst I was in astral form. I could manoeuvre my self around a room but for some reason I couldn’t find a way to get out of a room. I was trapped within the room my own body was in. Eventually I tried it with just me and my slightly older brother in the same room and I found that I could direct my mind and soul into his body. Then I could control his body as if it were my own. Somehow my brother had left his body and began to run my life exactly as I would do and he was none the wiser, he just carried in being me. I had no idea how long I could stay within my brothers body but I didn’t want to stay anyway. I had my mind set in Tyler. I left my brothers body and took back my own. Now I needed a plan to get Tyler on his own.

As luck would have it the very next day at the gym, very very early I followed Tyler into the changing rooms and there was only me and him in there. I sat down on a seat and projected myself out of my body. I hovered around the room a little more, ensuring there was no one else there and as he was just finishing getting dressed after a shower I made my move and entered his body. It wasn’t quite the same feeling as when I went into my brother. There was a little bit of pain and I felt his body convulsing, attempting to reject my invasion. I was determined though and pushed in further, moments later I let out a gasp of air as Tyler’s mums and soul left his body. I watched with Tyler’s eyes as it entered the only empty vessel it could find, my former body. I kept quiet and just observed my former self pick up its gym bag and left the room. I had done it Tyler’s body was mine.

I headed straight home, my new home I knew exactly where it was because I now knew everything about Tyler. I knew his was the brand new Porsche that had only 100kms on the clock, I knew his house was the one with th stunning views worth around 4 million. I knew I had struck gold with his life, but I wasn’t expecting the 100million bank account all courtesy of his parents. Well now, that car, that house, that bank account were mine. But I hadn’t come for the money or the life, I came for the body. As soon as I was home I wasted no time peeling off the layers of clothing to reveal more perfection. From head to toe was just perfect and his tattooist must have a hand of steel as all his ink was perfect and every piece of ink had a meaning to Tyler, to me. I only had one part left to reveal, but if the rest of his body was anything to go by I wouldn’t be disappointed.

I took Tyler’s body four months ago, the final reveal was even more amazing than the rest. As I said I’ve no idea how long I will be able to stay in his body but there is no signs of me leaving yet and I certainly won’t be making any attempts to leave it.




Hey are you from the uk? I notice a lot of your posts are like at 3/4 am for me... lol