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As a family we couldn't afford much so for Christmas my mum had bought me some clothes. I expressed a lot of happiness when I opened them on Christmas day. It was a complete set of clothes, socks, boxers, shorts, t shirt even a pair of trainers and some sun glasses. However, I wasn't as happy with them as my mum thought I was, you see all of the clothes were second hand from a charity shop. Se was lucky to find such a nice pair of trainers in a charity shop mind you. It wasn't until today that I had decided to out them on. Almost 2 weeks since I received them. As I did something felt different.

In fact the more of the clothing I put on the more I felt different, in fact everything was feeling very different. I was burning up from within my body and sweating like mad. Pain was felt in every molecule of my body. I thought this was the end. Moments later I started to look down at myself as the pain began to subside. I was sat in my bed now and I had changed. No longer was I a 17 year old down and out lad. I was a 21 year old stud. My mum came rushing into my room and as she did the world around us began to spin. She grabbed me and gave me the biggest hug ever. She whispered in my ear, ‘hold on’. Moments later we had been transported into a new mansion with marble and mirrors all around us.

It turns out that she had won the lottery, the winner was given a set of clothes from a guy who wanted a change of pace. The only problem was that the clothes had to be worn by a man and not a woman. So she had obviously chosen me as her son. The winner was given the body and life of the guy who owned the mansion and my mum was able to come with me. Be both now enjoyed the rich life and don't look back on our old licbes for one second.



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