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Mate, aren’t they the socks you’ve sold?

They are yep.

Well don’t you think you should stop wearing them, wash them and send them?

Well I will, but the guy who bought them asked me to wear them for a week first and demanded I didn’t wash them.

And don’t you find that a bit weird?

Not really, some lads like that sort of stuff.

You do know that some of the lads like that sort of stuff are really weird. I read about this one guy who actually thought that he had transformed into the previous owner of the socks, took on his life and everything. He got sectioned under some mental rehabilitation act.

Well, this guy doesn’t sound that weird, he’s already paid and sent me some new socks to replace these ones.

Wait, this story sounds so similar to the one I read about. Let me guess they are his socks and he wants you to video call you as you each wear each other’s socks.

Well he does want us to video call each other once he has my socks, but the socks he sent, they are new so it’s not that weird. Look they are still in sealed packaging.

Well all I am saying is to be careful.

I will be, in fact you can be there when we do it, you can call him on my phone and video it. I’m not interested in seeing him out my socks on, but I bet he wants to see me put his on. But tell me a bit more about this story.

Well since I read about it, I wondered if it was real, you know obtaining someone else’s body by wearing their socks. In one argument, Apparently it can’t happen but in others, if both people wearing each other’s socks want a body swap to happen, then it will happen. But the story, where the guy was sectioned, he was adamant that when he wore the socks, he became the last person to wear them. The court confiscated the socks so he was never allowed to prove it.

I like the sound of that, swapping bodies with someone.

Wait, it’s freakish, why would you wanna?

Well you know, it might be kind of fun being someone else for a while.

Its weird mate, that’s what it is. Plus I don’t wanna loose my mate, whatever you do, make sure the socks he sent you are clean. Wash em before you wear them ok?

Sure thing.

My mate headed home for the day. And I checked my phone, there was a message from the guy who had bought my socks.

“So it’s day 8, any chance of a pic today just before you send the socks over?

I snapped a pic and sent it over.

I got a reply, nice man, can’t wait to get them.

Two days later I had another message saying he had got them, he said he was going to video me at 3pm and hoped I would answer and he can put my socks on as he watched me put the new ones onto my feet. I text back with one word. Sure... I invited my mate over who had already agreed to do the filming for this, I had hidden the socks he had sent me in the clean laundry basket so that it looked as though I had washed them and when he came over I asked him to grab them which he did. Bang on 3 my phone rang and it was him with a video call, my mate answered it. All we saw was a bloke blurry in the distance and a pair of naked feet on the screen. He spoke using a voice synthesiser and asked are you ready.

At this point I wasn’t so sure, it all sounded and looked a little bit creepy. But then he reminded me that I had agreed to do this on video for him and that he had paid me quite a high price for what was effectively an old, used, dirty pair of socks and he had even sent a pair of new, more expensive socks to replace them, so I didn’t really have a choice. My mate filmed me putting them on and it was being sent live to the purchaser of my socks. He was putting my socks onto his feet and I was putting a new pair on to mine. The image zoomed in so more of his body could be seen. At first, my mate wasn’t so sure but as time went on something was definitely happening to the image on the screen. The person looking back at my mate was me and somehow he now had an exact copy of my body. The imposter laughed using my voice.

It’s worked he exclaimed. I’ve got your body and true to my word the pair you are wearing are brand new, I’ve never even touched the soft fabric of the socks I sent to you. But it’s clear that there can’t be two of the same person, so we have a few options. They are:

1. I become you, keep your body, take over your life, you become someone else, ideally me, a straight swap. The easiest way.

2. I stay as you, so do you and I take on the role of your long lost identical twin

3. Do nothing, but I won’t be giving your body up. You’ll have to live with the fact there are 2 of you each leading different lives, but remember both of us have the same dna, the same fingerprints, you never know what I might get up too. I might get you locked up and disappear until the dust settles

4. Steal your mates body and give him the same consequences

5. Become an object, usually people like to be clothing for their own body

But the choice is yours, what will you decide?



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