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So I had been given an app to trial by its developers, in the end, it will be a paid for an app where users sell their bodies for 24 hours. The app's developers would take a commission form that sale. For now, though, it was free. And all I needed to be given a new body was a selfie of the person who was ”selling” their body. Once the selfie was received I had 2 options, accept or delete. Delete was obvious, but accept, well that was amazing.

Take Jared here. He was one of the apps junior developers I think he was the cleaner in the office, but his selfie came through. Bear in mind that all I knew about this person was in the selfie I and received. That's it, No name, body statistics, likes or dislike just the picture. So all I knew about this guy was that he had wavey hair, dark eyes. He appeared to like tattoos as he had some on his neck and cheek bones and also liked piercings. In that 10 seconds I had already clicked accept.

I was now beimg beamed away from my body and into his. Once I arrived he was beamed out of his body and into mine. I discovered an amazing physique, no six pack, but still amazing. The tattoos didn't go below his neck. That was about to change.

You see, I was supposed to make improvements to someone's body whilst I had it. At the end of the 24 hours they could accept the changes or send me lit again with their body to make more changes. To change back, the procedure was the same. Send a selfie-and either accept or delete. I booked myself into a tattoo parlour, luckily they had 3 full-time tattooists available for 12 hours each. I booked for and paid for all 3, they covered my loaned body in more ink from head to toe as seen in 2nd selfie that I sent once my 24 hours were up. He instantly hit delete.

A message soon followed, net man, you might not of got the gist of making improvements, what I actually needed was for tattoo removal to be done, I didn't want them any more. If we are to trade back, you are going to have to get the lot removed. After 3 weeks I had sent the same image to him every day. In the end the all developers told him to either accept his body back with the ink or keep the one he had been given. It's been 3 months now and I haven't heard from any of them since.



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