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Well where I am now certainly is not where I expected to be and it definitely isn’t where I should be, but let me tell you the story of how I got here.

I met him at a theme park, he was a ride operator at a well known establishment, the season was almost over which meant he would be without a job soon. He had begun talking to me very briefly about it when I visited the park for a day out. Oddly I felt an attraction to him, it wasn’t like anything else, I was a happily married man and I had no desire to get with a man. However, the attraction was there, I wanted to know about this young man who I had only just met.

That night, I stayed at the resort hotel based within the theme park, it was quite a posh hotel but geared up for families. Many of the staff stayed at the hotel, and of course the guy I had met earlier in the day was sitting at the bar as my family went to bed. I told my family to go up without me and I chose to stay and have a few more drinks. Of course this gave me the perfect chance to get talking to him. I had already discovered his name from his name tag and offered him a drink. Dean accepted the drink with much thankfulness.

We chatted for a while, mainly about him, but bits about me too. He had already had such a hard time during lockdown as the theme park was forced to close. He was getting half the money he was used to getting in previous years as he was used to working double shifts. He was worried for the off season.

That’s when things really began to get serious with our chat. The company he worked for had come up with a plan and developed technology to help with it all. He was the last member of staff to take them up on their offer. My entire family and his would be granted lifetime free entry to all of its attractions if he found a person to do this with every winter season. The plan was to swap their employees body and life with someone who could financially support them during the winter months. So basically, I would take over his body and life and he would take mine and for 5 months my former body would be obliged to send me $2000 a month to live off. I could easily afford that for him. The interest on all my stock holdings was paying me triple that each month, plus my job and all my other perks, it would be a drop in the ocean for someone like me.

He was the last one to accept the scheme as all the others had found mediocre swaps who could only afford it for the first year, after that they would need to find another person to do it with, Dean was looking for a more regular thing. Dean had selected me based upon how wealthy I looked, the people I was with and of course my looks. It also was not an accident that I had noticed him. He had been given a ferimone that he released into his hand the moment he decided I was the man for him and when he shook my hand, the process had begun. Of course, I didn’t need to accept the process and I could simply walk out of here and not do anything. However, I actually wanted this, the chance to be young again. To experience a life that was just normal, and of course I wanted to experience his body just like it was my own. If I accepted this, neither of us were allowed to tell our families or friends of it, we had to live out each other’s lives as though nothing had changed, we wouldn’t be allowed to make any life changing decisions without consulting the other, and we weren’t allowed to make any body changes either, so no tattoos, piercings. Normally, we’d swap on the last day of the season, and swap back as soon as the new season started, that was normally he week before, so it would be 4 months and 3 weeks. This time though, he was a month away from the end of the season and he told me that as soon as he disclosed all this information to me that the swap had to happen tonight. There would be no saying goodbyes to my family, no preparation nothing. That also meant an extra month, and for that month I would have to work for him, be him. It was a real tough decision, and I was almost ready to do it and he lifted his shirt to show me what I'd be getting. I'm was sold. However, there was one final piece of decision making we and to do. Even though as soon as we swapped we would know everything we needed too, the company decided it wanted a hard back up which it agreed to make into prompt cards just in case we forgot or got confused. But dean confessed that it's really a tool so we can check what we're getting from each other before we finally sign the paperwork and swap.

At first it looked like standard terms and conditions form but then it got into the nitty-gritty and every detail of my body had to be listed, and any past events, and any upcoming appointments. It was very detailed, a DNA sample was attached to the forms, fingerprints, eye scans everything, we were told not to sign anything yet, and told to swap forms.

Included within his pack was details about his body. He listed himself as a muscular, tall, white man with abs and dimples as some of his most defining features. He listed all of his body stats. Size 7 feet, 8” dick, 28” waist, 34” chest. There was also a picture of every inch of his body from every angle and every part of his body too. There were hard copies for me to look at and high-resolution digital copies that could zoom in to see every millimetre if his skin. It was there in case any changes we're made to each others bodies without consent. I examined the images in great detail. My file would be updated with these images during the swap.

I first looked at the full-frontal image, he looked normal. I'm was pleased. I then started looking at the individual images, starting from the bottom of his body and working my way up, that was the order in which the images had been arranged. the first image was his left foot, k noticed some flaking between his toes, then looked back to the notes and me had noted he was receiving treatment for athletes foot, a consequence of the long hours in the boots the company made him wear. I'm worked my way through the images, ankles, legs, bottom and dick. His dick images we're of it soft and hard with a ruler next to it. It confirmed his dick was 8” I was sure it looked longer and if certainly be checking once we had swapped. The images detailed how he never really put weight on, but when he ate too much his belly button became an outy and not an inney. It was a condition that bodies were returned in their current condition or better, so I'd need to watch it his belly button became an outy too often. His file advised twice a week as a maximum but that a heavy gym session would be necessary the day afterwards. His pecs and abs were all looking good and I noted the veins on his arms and stomach, something I had always wanted. Then his arms and hands. I'd always looked at a man's hands to judge their character. On this occasion, the images looked perfect to me, clean, pruned and normal. However, I decided to check his real hands. He offered his hands out to me, they weren't as good as they looked in the pictures, they were certainly workers hands, he had dirt under his finger nails. I then noticed the smell that was eliminating from his body, sweat. He assured me that the images are the way his body normally looks and we're taken at the beginning of the day, he had come straight here after work knowing I would be here. He offered to go and shower if I wanted him too. I'm decided to believe him and for some reason I decided that me didn't need to shower as I planned to shower his body once we had swapped. I further examined the images of his head, face, she's nose and mouth. I'm was satisfied with what I saw and agreed to the swap.

We were led to a room where there was two seats with devices attached to them and a pod-shaped device hanging from above, there were lots of wires and tubes connecting them together and to a computer console. We were both told to sit down and we're strapped in. We were told the process was going to be painless, the only discomfort that would be felt would be for around 15 minutes after we swapped as our brains got used to new senses. It would be like falling asleep and then waking up and the whole process of getting us into each others body would take around 10 minutes. We would be fully aware of the changes happening to us as the seats were facing each other. The engineer told us once we were ready to place our palms onto the pad beneath our hands. Once we had both done it, the process began. We both counted to 3 and instantly our clothes disappeared off outpr bodies. I felt my dick become erect, looked over at dean, his had too. He looked at me and smiled, it will be yours soon he said.

Soon our bodies were starting to disappear, being sucked inside the machine. Into it's pipes and wires and some kind of holding vessel within the machine. It began from our feet and worked all the way up our bodies soon all that was left was our eyes, and in that moment there was an emptiness, a darkness, a nothingness. Moments later we were able to see again and I watched as my body formed itself on the chair in front of me. It was happening much quicker than when we were being taken inside. Clothes reappeared on our bodies and our dicks errupted cum within our new clothes. What a waste. A short sharp stabbing thud was felt in each of our heads as each others minds were dumped into our heads. All the straps we're released and we were now fully swapped and beginning our new lives for the next six months.



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