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I know you’ve been using my body.

Trust me, I haven’t.

You have, I know you have. I have these weird memories of seeing your reflection in the mirror. I remember sitting on your bed, putting on your socks on to your feet. I remember vivid details of taking a piss holding your dick. It’s truly disgusting.

Honestly mate, I haven’t used your body. Someone else asked me to help them become you, they became you for three months and then decided they wanted their own body back. For a swap to work, I need to be involved. I had his body for three months whilst he had yours and you had mine.

Oh, who was it?

I can’t tell you for data protection purposes. But I can show you. However, only if you agree to let me be you for a while.

Depending who it is, I want to be them and I have an idea you might like, I kind of like the idea of body swapping and I would probably of allowed it all, I just wish I had been asked.

Ok, I’ll show you.

Dylan? Dylan wanted to be me? Wow, I didn’t expect that…

Yeah it was Dylan. I can turn you into him if you’d like. Let’s talk about this “punishment”

I’d like that! The punishment will be so sweet. What I want to do is become him every Wednesday at 9pm, and turn him into what he hates the most.

What does he hate?

Feet, so I want to turn him into his own socks and shoes, whilst I wear him and have his body until Sunday evening. Then he can have his body back for a few days and the entire process repeats.

We can make it a little better than that and once your him and I am you, we can make the process automatically happen at 9pm every Wednesday and reverse every Sunday. The making it better is what you are going to like, we can split him into boots and socks for his own body and your body that I will have.

Fuck he is going to hate it. But I will love it.

Okay he had your body for 119 days, if he had gone into day 120 he would have kept you forever. So you can only punish him for 119 days. It will take you 30 weeks to have his body for 119 days. That ok with you?

Absolutely fine! Can you just turn yourself into me and me into Dylan?

Next time yes but I’ve never had your body before so the first time it’s got to be sexual.

Wait how did you make me have sex with Dylan?

Mind control. I have that ability too!

Okay, not the best way I’d like to do it but I will. I can’t wait for the first time it happens, I want to be stood right in front of him and tell him what’s going to happen!

Will be sweet mate. It’s just after 8 now so are you ready?


We fucked each other and I was soon him and he was Dylan, or rather a copy of Dylan. At exactly 9pm we approached the real Dylan.

What the fuck, why are you me? Who are you really?

I’m Jake, I figured out you’ve been using my body. At first I was angry, but now I’m not and I’m glad of this opportunity to become you.

There can’t be two of me Jake.

I know, that’s why I’ve decided that every Wednesday at 9pm I will become you, my body swapping friend here will get my body. It's punishment for not asking if you could use my body.

Right and what is going to happen to me


Your going to become your least favourite thing.

Don't say feet, please not feet, you know I hate feet you know how much I moan about my own!

Not feet, but you'll be there to make sure my feet don't hurt as much as you say. You'll be split, between your/my feet and my/ Jakes feet. You'll be punished from 9pm Wednesday until 9pm on Sunday. You'll be our socks and shoes. Is it ready to happen now?

Yep, just touch his shoes with yours.

You can't do this to me.

I can, I will, I have.

He began to try and run away, but he soon realised it was pointless. There couldn’t be two Dylan’s. He accepted his destiny and punishment and allowed duplicate Dylan to touch his shoes. Almost instantly the real Dylan began to shrink change colour and split into four.

He was connected to both my own feet and duplicate Dylan’s feet as a set of socks and shoes. It was incredible to see and feel the experience.

As the weeks went by the automation worked perfectly. Every Wednesday at 9pm it happened and I became Jake. Jake became Dylan and Dylan became socks and shoes. After a few weeks Dylan was fuming. He was sick of being turned into boots and socks for his own body and his best friend makes body. He hated feet and the smell seemed to continue when he was himself. He begged for it to stop, but it was impossible to change the settings and he still, had 25 weeks of this.

Dylan decided it was now time to punish his best friend for this, and he wasn't even going to tell make about it. He asked me to program the device again only this time when he was due to become himself, he would become Jake, I would be Dylan. Jake, of course would become boots and socks for us both. It meant that Jake would never be himself for the next 25 weeks, dylan would never be himself either. This meant makes mind would never be updated with the transformation into socks and boots. Dylan plan was perfect. For the next few weeks I wouldn't be myself either.

I couldn't be happier, but I doubt Jake will be pleased when he realises what has been happening.



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