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There was only one way out of this now, and it was probably going to be messy! For him, the cop at least. After months on the run, I was stuck on the roof of the house I had been hiding in for months. I hadn’t even done anything wrong, but I took this body in an effort to protect him. But his crimes had stacked up. All his lawyers had been calling him - me, told me to give myself - him in. He faced years locked up behind bars.

Now I could swap with someone who was behind bars already when I got there, I could hopefully find someone who was due to be released, or an officer of the jail. But I didn’t know where they would send me, well him. So I decided I needed to get out of his body today, right here ans now. I loved my current body and was gutted I had to leave and ashamed I was unable to protect my host any longer. I loved who I was now, Callum it’s been fun but now it’s goodbye.

I activated my power of mind transference, now the next person I touched I would become. Or rather take over. Then I timed my next steps perfectly in order to be caught by the right officer. Jake, the one with muscles tattoos and a beard. All the others were either too old or even younger than I was now, I didn’t want to be either of them.

Now all the time I have been Callum I’ve felt him within me fighting for control trying to take back what was his. He would never be strong enough, my power, my control was too great. Then Jake came around the corner and I jumped off the roof. If the roof had been slightly higher or I had been slightly heavier I would probably of broken multiple bones in my body. As I landed my entire body, Callum’s body seemed to become weak, the jump had certainly knocked the wind out of me.

Jake was first to find me as planned, he grabbed me by the arms, hand cuffed me and I felt the transference begin. Something was wrong though. Initially I felt myself transfer into Jake, I felt his huge muscular arms become mine and I felt the beard on his face, but then I felt Callum’s skinny frame again and I was back on the floor being hand cuffed by Jake. Callum was no longer inside fighting for control and I was alone in Callum’s body. Fuck!

Jake suddenly let go of me and I tried to run away when he simply placed his foot on my back preventing me from running. Then he picked me up using the handcuffs and brought me to my feet.

He smirked at me, so your a body snatcher?

No, I’m a borrower, I only use other bodies for a short time, a bit of fun.

Well, Jake said. Looks like you’re trapped in my former body now?

Your former body?

Yes, I’m Callum, my mind is in this hot police officer now, weirdly I can’t hear him like you could hear me. What’s my name? Jake did you say.

Yes, Jake! What’s going to happen to me?

Don’t worry I’ll go easy on you, I’ll tell the judge you were fully cooperational, you will be out in a few months. Don’t want my body being locked up too long, I’ll want it back at some point, but for now it’s going to be fun being Jake.

I won’t lie, I was kind of happy being stuck in Callum. However, the prospect of being imprisoned was a little scary.

The new Jake was right, the judge sentenced me for crimes that Callum committed, not me. He was Lenient and only gave me 60 days, I’d be out in 30 and tagged!

But in prison something weird happened. I was locked away with another lad. We had quite a lot of banter going on, and play wrestling. However, whenever I touched him, my mind would be placed in his body and his in mine/ Callum’s. He found it extremely hot being zapped into someone else’s body. We would go to sleep in each others body, but we would always wake up in the right one. It was quite hot falling to sleep in someone else’s body and waking up in my own, even more so because there was no one else inside my head any more.

I found I could use my powers still and even became others, including prison staff and other offenders. Eventually though I was due to be released. I planned on getting my own back on Jake and stealing his body once and for all.

However, my cell mate had other plans. We swapped for the final time last night, I said goodbye to him and his body. I woke just after midnight back in my own/ Callum’s body then swiftly fell back to sleep.

The next morning came around and I was on the top bunk, my cell mates bunk. I was him, he had swapped with me and he was gone with Callum’s body. There was a note on the desk “this might only last until we fall to sleep tonight, but I needed freedom, even if it’s only for a day, for my sake I hope it’s longer.

Fuck, he had double crossed me! The next morning came and I was still him! A new cell mate arrived, he was only in for 7 days. I planned on double crossing him too and swap with him on his final morning.

My plan worked and I left prison with deans body. I think I’ll keep him for a while and then go find Jake.



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