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You would be right in thinking that these look like sun beds, however, you couldn’t be closer from the truth. They are actually body swapping pods. Users on different ends of the world could enter a pod and have their minds zapped into the body of someone else. That was the first generation of the technology. The next generation had a second mode. The users of the pods could be transformed into someone else using the same type of pod. It meant users could pay to have a holiday in a different country or simply change what they looked like for a while. Business men and women, holiday makers, couples looking for variety and of course body hoppers looking to be someone else or enjoy another’s life for a while. I was the latter, a body hopper. I loved getting into a pod, and stepping out with a completely new look. I also enjoyed being zapped into someone else’s body and taking on their life for a while.

There was a strict two week limit to either type of swap. Most people only wanted a few hours or days, but the hourly/ daily rate was cheaper the longer your swap was for. There was even the cheapest option of all, free using the back alley and home set up pods. But they weren’t vetted pods and using the paid option you were guaranteed to swap into the person they shown you. The back alley and home pods didn’t have that guarantee and there were plenty of people out there catfishing these systems. If you got catfished you were almost certain the swap back wasn’t going to happen at the two week point. However, after the two week point data relating to the swap was erased meaning there was no traceability as to who belonged in who’s body. Here was only one rule really, no opposite sex swaps.

My first experience of Darren was amazing. We agreed to a body swap only meaning the pod would transform me into him and him into me. We had seen a picture of each other, but pictures don’t do the actual experience any justice. Darren was much fitter and bigger than me in most areas. He had an office job so frequented the gym often. Whereas I had a job working on building sites, so I didn’t go to the gym that much as my workout was actually working. The first time is always the best.

As soon as the pod activated I felt my body transforming, feet first. It always began with our feet and ended with our heads and dicks. I knew I was going to be bigger than I am now so I went into the pod naked, but left my clothes in there so they would transform too. My feet began to tingle, it felt like they had shrank a few sizes, but I didn’t know for sure. Then my legs changed and I felt his leg hair grow in place of mine. Then my torso transformed and I gained his huge shoulders, pecs and abs. Then his beautiful powerful arms and amazing sexy hands and fingers. I always watched my hands change as I feel you can tell a lot about a man from his hands. Then I got his face and dick and the pod turned off. Leaving me lay there naked with a pile of clothes, his clothes beside me.

Upon examining my new body more closely I realised I had lost all my facial hair and I no longer had tattoos. I always miss having tattoos and facial hair but we weren’t allowed to change someone else’s body. However, the muscle made up for it. I ran my new hands across my new body feeling every inch and every imperfection it had to offer. I smelled my armpits which had a mixture of gym sweat and expensive cologne. It was quite invigorating. The pod was booked out again in five minutes time so I didn’t get much more time so I got dressed in his clothes, sniffing every item before putting them on.

A shirt and trousers wasn’t my ideal atire but it worked for now. I snapped a picture and uploaded it to the pods app to confirm I had received his body safely. Moments later I had received a notification that my body had also been received safely.

He, of course was now in my body and had to wear the clothes I arrived at the pod with. My work gear. He looked quite happy with my body and it was the first time I had seen it smile in quite a while. The pic came with a caption. Cheers for the tradie body and gear man. I love your manly smell and I’ll have fun washing it off! I hope you enjoy mine. I was actually looking for a change of pace and maybe I should get some work experience as a labourer whilst I have your body. See “me” in 2 weeks. Don’t get my hands fucked up please, I’ve got some important clients that expect nice hands!

For some reason that got me really horny. He wanted to be a tradie like me, he was enjoying my work gear, he was enjoying the smells my body had to offer and he wanted to change of pace. I typed a quick reply.

Hey man, love your body I can’t wait to explore it some more. Don’t do anything to rash with your change of pace. We can swap again if you like and before you decide on a change, take my life too. Try before you decide. See me in 2 weeks.

After those initial messages there was no way to contact each other now. We simply had to agree to live our own lives in our borrowed bodies and return to the pods in exactly 2 weeks. Those were possibly the best two weeks of my life.

After the time was up we swapped back but we had the chance of 2 more messages each with the pictures. We agreed that we would wait the compulsory 24 hours and swap again, only this time have our minds zapped over. We did this for months and we were still unable to contact each other directly. We resorted to subliminal messages and leaving each other notes in each others trouser pockets or drawn with a sharpie on our arms or chests.

Eventually we agreed that we preferred living each others lives and having each others bodies. However it was costing a small fortune in pod access. So, we knew we weren’t going to get catsished by each other so we each bought a home pod. Now we swap one way or another every two weeks for free. Life has never been better. Of course we could just stay swapped but I wanted to keep the thrill of transforming or being zapped over every two weeks. Plus we couldn’t swap with anyone else if we were in the wrong bodies and both of us agreed that maybe in the future we would both want to be different people. Home pods also meant we could communicate normally.



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