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For fucks sake bro, your eating my food again, and your wearing my socks.

We both pay for food, so it’s our food. As for your socks, none of mine are clean.

And where did you find those? None of mine were clean either.

On your bedroom floor, they are far cleaner than any of mine. Relax, it’s just a pair of socks!

Don’t you remember what happened last time you wore “just a pair of MY socks?”

Yeah, I became a copy of you, it was pretty awesome actually.

And it’s happened again. Wait, where did you say you found my socks? Bedroom floor? That was my cum sock!

Oh yeah, I look just like you. I do remember becoming you obviously but I didn’t realise it was because I wore your socks.

It took you a week to change back last time.

Yeah I know! But I figured it out. All I got to do is wear my own socks, so let me finish my food and I’ll go and change back, ok?

Sooner the better, it freaks me out seeing someone else with my body!

Bro, I’ve put my own socks on and I’m not changing back, maybe it only works after a week?

We aren’t sharing the same body for a whole week, not again! Try another pair.

I’ve tried three, maybe it’s because it was your cum sock.

Maybe, look we can’t stay like this!

Doesn’t look like we have a choice! You could try wearing my socks, maybe you’ll become me?

I’d rather not, but I guess I am going to have too, can’t have two of me. It’s just weird. What does it feel like?

No idea didn't even realise I had become you. So I guess it's painless. I do know one thing, MY socks are rank!

Oh great, not only do I have the dis pleasure of becoming you, I have to do it by wearing your rank socks and then doing your laundry also! We will be able to swap back won't we?

I've no idea we don't even know if you will transform into me yet! I don't want to stay as you either but like you said there can't be two of you. Last time it was ok because there was only us in the house and we didn't have work, this time we have someone else staying with us and we have work! We will just have to try each and every day to swap back.

I handed him my rank socks and he proceeded to remove his own and add mine to his feet. These are absolutely disgusting, he said, I'm surprised they haven't sprouted legs and walked off in disgust!

I had no clue if this would work or how. However, clearly it was. I watched as his feet grew smaller, his legs become longer, less muscular and more hairy. His dick was replaced by what was clearly mine as it was much longer but not as wide. His torso got narrower but longer and it lost the little bit of hair it had.

Dude, what's that smell?

Probably my arm pits or rather yours now. Last time I wore those particular socks I was at the gym. Don't worry, you'll get used to it!

Like hell I will. I'll be showering to second this is over!

Tattoos appeared on his neck and one of his arms then his face was replaced by mine.

Well, it worked your me now!

Yep and I'm jumping in the shower.

The week went by quite un eventually. We tried to swap back every day and by day 8 we had managed to survive the week without anyone realising we had swapped and had successfully managed to live each others lives without a hitch. We had tried to swap back every day. Even repeating the cum in sock incident. I'm sure he will get bored of trying, I don't mind if I'm me or him, I do like trying to swap though. He's even wanting to try swapping by fucking each other, inm game but he's a little reluctant and is convinced that the socks are the answer.



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