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Is Zach going to meet other sages ????


So far their are only 3 according to the Aspect that monitors the iterations

Juli Freixi

Wow!! Amazing chapter!!! Thanks a lot Kal!!


Yeah but I don't think Kael has Time related powers right?? Or does he? Cuz Zach time rift sensing power activated


Yes, but his powers work on both Time and Space. One of Kael’s teammates is a powerful spacial mage, guessing they teleported in using his powers.


Kal made a mistake. He meant to put space. He confirmed it in the discord.


Zach’s ideal was great, I thought that the justifications for each line were great and really showed who Zach is.


Thanks for the chapter. The fight between Zach and Erik was great and epic, looking forward to round three. That Zach's ideal is immediately tier 9, seems a bit too easy and undeserved, but well, whatever, that is Zach. What annoys me more, how Zach's constantly bemoans, that all the powerful people should be great, good, better and protect the weak and innocent, like it is their duty. That is pretty naive and does becoming powerful not mean being more free in what you can do? If Zach becomes a Sage of them All, or even just a Sage of a few more Aspects, then I wonder how (especially) Ryun, but also other characters can keep up with Zach. At the end, Zach will be the Lord of Aspects and Ryun only the Lord of Oblivion? Regarding Kael and his people: Kael and Berion were both once slaves. Now, that they have witnessed how Zach protected, saved and freed the slaves, will it change anything for them? Maybe sow some doubts and disagreements between them? They unleashed Hastur, plan to open more domes and soon they free the yeti. Could be interesting, if at least Berion develops some doubts in their goals and how they want to achieve it.

Ethan Norton

Remember that Zach is 5k years old so an eternal ideal isn’t tooo crazy. Also Zach firmly believes that people with power should use it well, he knows people don’t but he wishes they did. And no one said that Ryun would only be the sage of oblivion


Zach's age is now a killer argument for any development with him. As a cultivator, Ryun can only have the Qi of two Aspects. True, cultivators can influence unbound essence, but without a deeper connection to an Aspect (for it to be part of one's being / power / soul) is that really enough to become a Sage?


Ryuns aspect is pretty all encompassing. It's in opposition of all other aspects and is presumably horrifically difficult to fully comprehend. But also immensely powerful


Ryan is not meant to keep up when it comes to aspects. Given the time and experience it takes, Zach having a sword which halves the time it takes to learn anything, as well as sealing spirits and shades slowly impacting his knowledge, and a class which compulsively pushes him towards learning these aspects. Frankly, I don't think anyone is going to compete with him regarding aspects.


Not really in opposition. It just has the properties of erasing them conditionally. We have seen it practically not do anything sometimes when Ryun did not understand it.


To be fair, if Ryun becomes a Sage of oblivion, well, he could Maybe just erase any1 who opposes him. Oblivion In itself is really powerful. Also, although the 5k years argument for Zach isn't enough, the will he accumulated through those years also comes into why he got the powers he has.


I feel like you aren't really grasping the possibilities of the infinite realm. Cultivators by nature focus on specific aspects yes, but so does every focus until the peak of their focus. The kael interludes with the runelord and the kri interludes made it clear that the actual purpose of the normal advancement tracks is to improve the soul. The so called shackles of the framework shaping individuals in certain directions as they advance. Rarity of ideal powers is likely very firmly tied to the actual power of someone's soul and how closely aligned the ideals power is to how they have shaped their soul in my opinion. Despite selias focuses, i think she is more likely to get a glimpse of the aspect of sorrow than anything else, the current state of your powers clearly isn't all there is to the equation.