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Juli Freixi

Thanks a lot for the chapter!!


I would be interested in the opinion of others: In recent weeks / months, I often have the impression, that the chapters seem to be getting shorter. Since yesterday, I reread the newly published volume IV and this has become even more noticeable. Currently, many of the chapters just reach 2,000 words, barely. The older chapters, on the other hand, often had around 2,500 to over 3,000 words. If a chapter is finished with only 2,000 words, that is of course perfectly fine. A chapter doesn't have to be artificially inflated, just to reach a certain amount of words, but that now almost every chapter is so short, doesn't seem right to me either. Sometimes I have the impression, that the short chapters feel cut off. A few more sentences here and there, with a longer explanation, description, more details, a reminder or some more interaction between the characters, just makes the whole thing better and read more smoothly. I know, quantity does not mean better quality, but too little quantity can be bad as well.

Adam Miller

If I remember correctly ryun it's not yet done much with his speed related skill, I wonder what he will end up doing with that.

Infinate Fail

Lots of grammar mistakes in this one, a once over is needed, other than that, great as always.