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What a great chapter! I am interested to see if Zach ends up making a skill while focus mad.

Alric Good

I get the zach skills chapters are neccessarry to flush out the characters but I still maintain it would of been better if you took all the zach POV and just turned it into his story Which would be awesome. The flip flopping between main character and other semi-main character is frustrating when i want more Ryan's story and get Zach chapters instead. Lol. It would let you go more in depth with Zach as well. Just my two cents still thanks for the chapter and progress.


We love Ryun's chapters and book 2 proved that zach is a pain. Please let us have the story!

Juli Freixi

Thanks a lot forvthe chapter!!


I actually like the switching perspective, it gives the world an epic and large feeling and reminds me of wheel of time or malazan. I think it works best when we get a few chapters in a row from one perspective before switching so we get to feel like we're progressing. Also zach chapters are definitely not filler. Are we reading the same story?


Yeah the anti-Zach rhetoric is a bit tired at this point. This is the story. Zach is a main character and has been since day one. Whining isn't going to change that. The author isn't going to suddenly write him out because someone doesn't like him. Honestly you guys should know better. It's disrespectful.