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Juli Freixi

Thanks a lot for this great chapter!!

gray matter

Had to go back and read how Anrosh’s perk vial worked. Interested in seeing what all he chooses although his body and regenerator perks seem to be obvious. I also wonder if he’ll use the vial that takes a perk to tier 9 afterwards. Seems like a grand merged perk would be the best one to do that with. It’s time for Ryun to get powerful again!


Thanks for the chapter. Ryun's regeneration is indeed his greatest strength and Stillness gives him even better defensives option now. Though, he has not yet fought against anybody, who can cause soul damage, in this case his regeneration may be useless. The question is, will this still be his greatest strength, even when Bright Star can store Eternal items? To have 12 copies of an eternal rarity armor, which he can just replace when one gets damaged, seems a lot better than to rely only on his regeneration. What is he even wearing right now? Still the Life Harvesting Set, which he got from the Empire and is only tier 6. Or does he have at least a tier 8 or even tier 9 armor / robe already?


I am curious about to the eternal path perk upgrade as well.

gray matter

Or an eternal javelin/spear since he likes throwing those. Yeah I think he’s still wearing the set from the Empire. I believe he’s leveled bright star once more to Relic(I could be mistaken). He should have Eternal armor sets and maybe even one that’s good for him but his leaking void chi will still actively try to harm it even tho the self repair function at that level should be ridiculous.