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Boost Infinite Realm on topwebfiction!


Ben Heggem

When u getting ready for a shitty day but Ivan posts


I second that. Always a nice little break


Im a Zach fan but this was such a cool chapter. Ryun definitely needed a boost like this. Also, "Erakael Sand-worn, Duty-burdened, Survivor, Deluded, Leader of the abandoned and exiled, the Unwilling Emperor of the Sands, He Who Walked With Burden" thats a cool ass line of titles. U make characters with barely any showing seem so cool. Thanks for the chapter


Could that mind fruit work for Zach? Seemed like it might be able to but also seemed like it could break his mind even further. Thanks for the chapter!


I think Ryun needs to use both fruits. Those are areas he needs improvement in


Thanks for the chapter. Really enjoyed the chapter. With the mysterious hints, secrets; it was really interesting. This time, Ryun also had it very easy to get a new title, two eternal rarity fruits, and maybe even other titles? Killing Jikharuud may even have given him the the Dragon Slayer title. Looking forward, for when he will consume the fruits and the gains from it.


The foreshadowing and hints are nice. Though I can't wait for Ryun to try the mind fruit. Though it definitely gives rise to Ryun trying to make a similar tree in his Territory


so ... one fruit for him one for zack ? nah dont think he will meet him soon , Thanks for the chapter


Why wouldn’t he just take both? Zach just got his power up