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Next chapter tomorrow.




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Tristan A

Thanks for the chapter! You know I was just fanficcing in my head about how many people have left the Core. I mean everyone who stayed are unknowingly a specific subsection of people. Those that wish to build, or fear the unknown, or seek safety. I mean look at Zach and Ryun's advancement. Obviously they gained way more power than average on Earth but even here they quickly leveled and then acceded the playing field of those people who were on similar playing fields as them. Now we know that there are billions?(I think billions) of people in the Infinite Realm, statistically there should be way more people like Zach and Ryun who are constantly pushing themselves and don't want to be under the yoke of the current administration. Which lead me to think what if there are other civilizations way further out than the Core. I mean shit, the 3rd iteration was able to build a whole ass kingdom with only the most powerful Rankers of the core knowing. The fanfic part of this was what if there are people out there who would absolutely stomp even the "strongest" of the Core.


There is about 110B of Chosen (The 9 races) in Core and Empire together. And well there might be all kinds of people out there for sure.


Okay, that was just..... amazing Sometimes I question myself about just reading fiction. But then I read things like this and it makes me think more than a non-fiction story. Ivan, your writing is so thoughtful that I can't imagine how many nights u just stared at ur ceiling making this conversations with yourself. Amazing. Bravo, buenisimo Thank you for writing such an amazing story, besotes en el siempre sucio guapo

Juli Freixi

Thanks a lot for the chapter Ivan Kal!!!


So it’s 22:55 in the UK and still no chapter, so are we getting it tomorrow or is the time difference big between the UK and where Ivan lives ?


Does this all the time. He overestimates his capabilities.


Dude I don’t care when you drop chapters but I’m getting sick and tired of you telling us we will get chapters and then week after week you never deliver. Just say you will get the chapter out when you can. Stop bullshitting us and yourself. Either meet your fucking deadline you yourself set or don’t set one. literally it’s been over a month since you actually delivered a chapter when you said it would.


I would like to apologize, I have been drinking and was just frustrated that I didn’t get to read another chapter. I eagerly await each new chapter and love this story. Please don’t drop chapters earlier than you would like if you don’t think they are ready!


Don't drink and write. ^^ In your defense, you are not entirely wrong with the missed deadlines. Since the new release schedule is used, this has become a problem. A few months ago, new chapters were almost always on time. I do hope, Ivan Kal can get a handle on it in the future again. Another option, which I am currently consider, is to cancel patreon for one or two months and only read it on Royal Road, where the chapters are exactly on time.