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I spent half the day writing a scene that I ended up cutting from the chapter... Anyway, the chapter is still longer than normal, and I really like the cut scene so I might put it in some of the future chapters where it might fit better.




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Now i can finally sleep lol thanks for the chapter!

Tristan A

Thanks for the chapter. It's as I thought with the Spirits of Terra perk regarding stats. Cool that they get his perks too. Also interesting I never thought about the fact that they learn from him also, I just saw them as like mindless embodiments of their respective knowledge given a veil of personality. Imagine if Zach gets stronger and he can call out a whole army of the greatest swordsman there was. Actually makes me think of that scene when the last of Earth were facing off against Ryun. Except this time Zach pulls up against whoever the enemy is and one by one the spirits appear next to him. Also would be cool if in the future he could give each spirit an aspect that fits them. Since he is the Lord of Aspects


I have pretty negative and confused feelings about Ryun this chapter... It paints Ryun as having no real morals beyond protecting what is his and keeping his word which I think makes him a very shallow character. It also makes almost the entirety of his origin arc completely pointless because the whole question is 'how did he do such monstrous things?' but this chapter kind of just says he might not have done exactly these things but might have made similar decisions... which means that Ryun has had exactly 0 character development in 250 odd chapters Regarding his rampages there is a huge difference between accepting that you can't change the past and not feeling culpable because of the perk issues and just not giving a shit. Overall, I feel like this is either a terrible portrayal of Ryun or I have completely misunderstood his character for this entire series. Or maybe it's just me completely misinterpreting this chapter?


Don't really like how its never brought up that ryun sold his memories and it scalped his personality and drove him insane. He's still guilty it isn't a excuse its just what happened its not passing blame or refusing guilt to say what actually happened he still killed alot of innocent people before that. But at least things would be out in the open instead of constantly being like yup I did it all me baby. im not expecting Zach to forgive him I wouldnt but it'd be nice to get stuff out in the oprn .Why even talk to him if he's never going to say anything. I guess just to find out if he will fight with him. either way love the series.


Nah I'm with you it feels like instead of explaining what happened or having a real conversation he just went fully I do what I want deal with it


Ryan is one of my favorite characters from any story. In this chapter, I fucking hate Ryan. If he isn't going to tell Zack what actually happened then there is no real point in them having this conversation. It won't excuse but it will explain and Zack DESERVES that explanation. Ryan keeping that explanation from him is a major disservice to Zack.


The chapter seems to suggest he could have overcome it - eternal hunt aspect, idk but i felt that is hard to believe

Donncha crowley

Poor no resolution or even discussion just stated points we can work together after such bad history

Joakim Lintvedt

Hmm, i understand why many would have negative feelings towards Ryun after this chapter but i dont think the conversation should have played out differently. Ryun allways tells the truth, and while he did it this chapter he didnt tell the whole truth. Such as how we have seen his character and introspections develop since he came to the infinity realm, and the truth behind many of his actions on earth. If he had tried to explain it to Zach at this moment (their first real interaction) it could have been seen as making excuses, something i dont think would have gone over well at this time. Tho, i might just project my understanding (belef) of the character on the conversation :)

Kris Boxall

Not sure why people are disappointed with this conversation it made complete sense to me. One conversation was never going to fix all their problems, Ryun will never make excuses for what he did and Zach will likely never forgive him. Happy they’re finally interacting and look forward to seeing where further interactions take them.

Cardean Nasdre

I really liked this chapter. In my opinion it stays true to the characters. Ryun not telling Zach how he does not remember much during his time of slaughter seems to me like an attempt to honor the victims and/or Zach.


Okay, this is my take on the chapter and anyone is welcome to disagree with me. Ryun talked as Ryun. He talked the truth of who he is. His character was one to talk the truth, so he did. People on earth died bc they were weak. Ryun became part of that death (he accepts the fact) but he did so bc he was powerful enough to do so. As he said, he became a part of nature. A nature where power is all that matters. And the way he talked with Zach, imo reflects his growth. Where one time he would've said that earth peeps died by their own fault, he now recognizes his role and accepts it. As for Zach, he still has the morality of earth, but at least now understand (in a way) that what ryun did was just a part of the bigger picture that the framework brought. Overall, a great chapter. I think it does demonstrate Ryun's and Zach's views, as well as a part of their growth. Also, I miss Tali


I like your take and I think it's reasonable, the only issue is that Zach doesn't have any of the context that we have to come to the same conclusion. We've been there to experience the shifts but Zach just gets the end result and it feels jarring to request a talk and then try almost nothing useful


It feels like he lied by omission because he couldn't be bothered to explain himself that's part of the problem. He knows he wasn't himself and had no control and no memories until he had been In the new world awhile and he came to terms with what happened but that doesn't mean Zach doesn't deserve to know. It isn't a copout its just what happened. The conversation just felt pointless and he felt almost braggy didn't feel like it was true to his normal humble but unbending honest self to me


Considering everything that’s been said I’m a little gutted Ryun didn’t explain better because although Zach is very unlikely to forgive I bet he’d love to know the terms of the deal Ryun made with the dealmaker, especially as Zach hates him along with the framework, and Incase you’ve all forgotten Ryun had to close all the gates on earth before the 10 years was up or his life is as forfeit


Also thanks for the chapter 🙂


Are you releasing chapter


Are we getting a chapter today or Wednesday ?


Kal was rewriting something so it should come out today