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Next chapter tomorrow!




Boost Infinite Realm on topwebfiction!



Thank for chapter are you releasing two chapter tomorrow

mitchel edwards

Very interesting. I can't say I completely agree with some of the ending lines. From what we know kael is an idealist and even in this chapter he was only going after people who oppressed or tried to suppress people from reaching their potential. I feel like the founders of the adventures guild would be the exception to that. From my perspective the guild exists to help people grow and to find a path to reach higher levels of power. It just seems a little out of character that kael would have gone after them if he had the power to do so, but since he didn't he wouldn't consider it. I dont know though I could be completely be overthinking this, but it just seems a little weird to me where would kael draw the line. At some point people at the bottom. Would want to follow people at the top for advantages which would put them in a defacto leadership position. With power comes responsibility so it makes since that people with power would have some form of leading role, but in the end i don't know


Well technically it wasn’t Kail that killed the adventurer guild leader, it was the Third Iteration using the bomb at the tournament. So yeah he helped with their plan because it was going to take out a decent chunk of the leadership that he believes to all be corrupt and holding everyone back from achieving their potential. It also allowed him to open the portal in the tournament city without getting destroyed by the powerful people that ended up getting killed in the explosion and in his mind this was suppose to force people to fight to improve themselves while also removing the previous ruling class. But yeah his reasoning is a bit idealistic in terms of assuming that everyone wants to not have powerful people shielding them from the cruelties of the world and just having to give up potential progress, which isn’t even true for all factions in the core.

gray matter

Well Heor’s a badass. Which is expected of the son of the Adventurers guild leader. How many different monsters has he fought and how many different powers and people has he worked and trained with/against to hone an awesome aspect albeit one with an obvious weakness. One of the first times I don’t really have a clue where Kael could go for power. Fight the monsters he unleashed? Oh I guess maybe the abyssal deep dungeon if he wants a rare skill. The underworld dungeon maybe? Other than that I’m not sure what he’s talking about.


Hastur - killing him gives great rewards. But kael cant kill him with his current power. Maybe with an item?


If Kael doesn't at least acknowledge that in his quest to change the world he's released a severe existential threat that could easily wipe out civilization, he's never going to be a sympathetic character to me. He potentially has some ground to stand on in his views, but he needs to accept that his actions have a solid chance to end up being a massive mistake, and to feel some responsibility for that, if he's to be someone we're meant to enjoy being in the story. As he is now, I was rooting for him to die in that fight, and if he gets a powering up arc like the last sentence of the chapter would imply, I'm not going to like it. At the moment, he's very much not in protagonist territory.

Richard McGowen Jr

I just wish the sun guy had killed the bastard slowly and painfully. He is a coward and a murderer. He is the worst kind of terrorist who justifies the murder of innocents as saving them from a greater evil and who has decided that anything he does is justified because he knows what's best for everyone else.


He reminds me of Farquad from "Shrek", "Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make."


Thanks for the chapter 🙂


wow so badass and idk but i kinda get the feeling he is Ryan in disguise?? called it first!


Is chapter coming about today