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gray matter

Thanks for the chapter. I’m not sure what constitutes a legendary feat but if he does more than 80 percent damage to a dragon 6 tiers above him I wonder if that will count as well as add to his immortal class evolution. Then again maybe he will just evolve some skills first. It’s interesting that him and Ryun have relatively stagnated so far even though both have got better at using their powers and advanced their skills a little. Ryun also doubled his core size through cycling which is immensely beneficial, but we didn’t see an increase in aspect advancement which I was expecting after cycling so much void.


Thanks for the chapter 🙂


Sorry, but sometimes I get the impression, that Zach is way too strong for his tiers of power. That he can defeat a legendary or even mythic tier 10 or tier 11 monster, with his 8 tiers of power is still okay, but everything above that seems over the top. I think, Ryun had 7 tiers of power, when he fought the thunderbird (legendary / tier 10), and had is high stats from Eternal Hunter, but still didn't have an easy fight and got hurt badly by it. But Zach, even though he has now only one tier of power more, can apparently defeat dragons of mythic rarity with 12 tiers of power quite easily and now goes after monsters with 14 tiers.


We have already seen that the known use of your Powers makes all the Difference. And Zach is really good at preparation. He studies his oponents and stuff. If he didn't have time to prepare and shit he wouldn't be able to go after what he gone. Items and stuff also make a difference. Plus Zach has one of the best builds to push ahead in his Tiers. He can get really insane amount of stats that helps him to keep up. When he has all his perks active. If Ryun was practiced with his EH and had his newer Techniques? The one he got after the Swarm? He would have made mincemeat of Avariel. Plus Avariel was a Named Monster. So even if it was T10 it was much stronger than normal T10 monsters. It was a Sovereign. Described in Reyla chapter: Monster’s that have titles as well as names are special. Their names mean more than just an identification of a type. It was a ruler; it knew that it was over matched between Vargar and us. There was no point in it dying. Monsters of that power level are smart, whether they have the animal instincts and cunning or something greater. They are not to be underestimated. But their names can tell you more about them and what you can expect. Some might be as or smarter than some of us,” Vanessa answered. “Try to remember that for the future.” So yeah, that T12 Mythic Dragon was imho weaker than Avariel. And Zach is much stronger than Ryun was vs Avariel. He can get to similar or even higher stats. He is practiced with using all his stats. He has Naha etc. And shade reaver is really a cheat.