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Boost Infinite Realm on topwebfiction!



Funny how this chapter released at 12:17 am for me ;-;

Michael scott

Thanks for the chapter. Love the progression.


Thanks for the chapter. How much the sect has developed is interesting. Wouldn't mind to see a bit more of it and to get some facts. How many inhabitants? How many warriors? How many Monarchs or Heavenly Realm Cultivators do they have? Does anybody know, how many territories does the sect now have altogether, after they expanded to another eight territories? Looking forward, to what Ryun will do next. To free / help Nayra is an admirable goal, but it would mean to leave the sect for many months without him as protector in very dangerous times. And even he cannot fight against the Empire alone.


Anyone else read Skyron instead of Skyiron? Good to see that Tali is finally on her way to get better xD. I hope there is a status incoming the next couple chapters :P and maybe that question what would come after 'immortal' is going to be answered :D

Kris Boxall

Great chapter! Can’t wait to see Ryun start progressing again :D

mitchel edwards

Did ever claw die (I think what is is name) in the battle with Eric. I can't remember what happened with him


Yes but he has immortality. We dont know the details yet and ryun still has the bond perks


Thanks for the chapter, would be nice to see Ryun’s updated stats 🤞🙂


Hey I can't quite remember Ryun's limitations on his eyes. I know he cant read holograms but is it the same for normal books? Or is he legit using his power to feel the ink in the books to read


That's a good question. That didn't even cross my mind.

gray matter

So still mid-immortal and no new skills so he hasn’t combined any yet either huh? If Anrosh wants him to go after Nayra he needs to buff up soon

gray matter

I think he needs to at least perfect his trained body and active mind protection and take them to tier 8 then 9 if he hopes to withstand mama Ornn’s |to hold an army| skill. Not that he knows about it, but Tali most likely does.


Damn BRO! That was GOOD


What time are you releasing chapter today