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I've added Reyla's screens in form of our Calc, since not everyone wants to read tables. If you want to learn more about the calc, go to discord get the crafters role and you can discuss stuff with other people! Please note that the crafters channel is non-patreon, so no spoilers!






Lol. I need to fix my relationship with my sister. I cant understand why she is so angry all the time. We are just keeping her prisoner afther killing her people and girlfriend. Why can't she just forget all that and move on like I have. It's been 3 years get over it already....

Joel Wells

I like the chapter. But would have enjoyed more of an interaction with her sister


now you can't just read the statuses? why make it so complicated...

Juli Freixi

Thanks a lot for the chapter Ivan Kal!!

Ethan Norton

God I hate narya, she has every right to not like her parents or Erik. But Reyla has no say in letting her go or letting her be free. Reyla is just trying to be a good sister and Narya is a fuckign bitch to her. Cant stand people like her.


Would love a long stretch of ryuns story update next. Best character storyline in my opinion. Excited to see how much he progressed the last three years

Kris Boxall

I think Nayra's justifiably angry with her sister more because of her inaction against her family rather than any action on Reyla's part

Kris Boxall

I'd genuinely prefer the tables to the calc as they are clearer to read than the calc

Pedro Sernagiotto

Thanks for the chapter! Will we still get the other one today or tomorrow?


Please put back the old tables back. If someone doesn't like them it's much easier to just scroll down.


Calc is horrible wtf ew just put them in the story , the grand inconvenience of someone having to not read something isn't worth this


Make the status screen like a dropdown thing where its in the chapter but hidden unless one clicks it


Thanks for the chapter. 1. Currently I am most interested to read more about Nayra's storyline (of couse, Ryun's comes in as a close second). Good that Nayra didn't just forgive Erik and reconcile with her family. I hope she can somehow escape them and make Erik pay for killing Anrosh. She can even kill him in return, he has immortality afterall. ^^ Would like to know how her parents justify holidng their daugther as a prisoner for three years, especiall after Karya was pretending to be so understanding the last time. 2. The amount of soul damage or soul protection Reyla can cause is quite tremendous for only a level 359. When she reaches level 480 or higher she will be a terror on battlelfieds, like her mother. 3. The calc is quite interesting. It has more details, provides more information and I wouldn't mind to see one for every character, maybe at the start of every new volume / book. But I really do prefer it, if the tables are included in the chapter. It is just easier to read. Please put it back. I really don't understand some people, if they don't want to read tables just skip them. On RoyalRoad or in the Kindle version it will stay with the old tables, right? 4. I also suspect that you accidentally disclosed some information too early with it. Under Reference Titles / Achievements there is the title Tormented and Violated, which immediately made me think of Erdania. The ideal title Way of the Pure Heart should also belong to a character that has not yet been revealed.


I normally read chapters on my phone. Huge hassle to view an excel file. Please keep tables in chapter, thanks

Rui Lourenço

Hey kal! Thanks for the chapter. I like tables in the chapter much better.


Things could remain this way for much longer?


Ivan, the last sentence of the chapter, i'm pretty sure you meant "things COULDN'T remain the same " ; instead you wrote she looked for advice because things could remain as they are....


So what’s this calc that everyone’s going on about , all I’ve seen is 9 chapters and nothing more 🧐 strange that this simple chapter is what caused Kal such a headache to write considering the very long and complicated amazing chapters of the previous books but thanks for the chapter all the same Ivan Kal 🙂

Pedro Sernagiotto

About Narya's mother holding her prisoner for 3 years, she didn't. It is a long way to the Empire and it is said Erik arrived there only a couple months before I believe, her mother probably hadn't had time yet to access the situation and speak with her about it, but honestly making an enemy out of someone who became a powerful high ranker in 2 years after arriving at the Infinite Realm and it's even more powerful by now isn't worth it at all, regardless of their reasoning...


Wuhuu Reyla back... This is fine, I still dont like her personality of just following orders and not understanding Nayra at all . I am very intersted to see where it goes from here.


Honestly, I sometimes gloss over the character sheets especially for characters not Ryun or Zach lol, but I would eventually go back and read them. It was a pain to scroll though them sometimes, but that was way preferable to the abomination that is the excel spreadsheet. Please revert that change; I'm sure there was a lot of effort put into it, but it is way too much trouble for a casual reader.


If you go through the tabs in the excel doc you can see what the character sheet would look like. I agree that I want it back to normal, but I liked seeing how all the stats were being kept track of


Glad to see to Nayra continue to grow stronger. Wonder how high her cultivation has grown.


I think she does understand in a way but after receiving love finally and being apologized too she feels connected to the family and wants Rayla to feel it too. It’s just that Rayla gave up on that long ago and for all she is aware her lover is dead at the hands of her older brotherand she is a prisoner by her “family”. So I agree with her whole fuck you attitude. Only way I see any possible reconciliation is to let her leave which they won’t do because of the dire circumstances. Interesting to see what will happen.

gray matter

Yeah I read on my phone and don’t know either. I’ve never seen an excel table

gray matter

Probably not too high, hopefully she has been cycling and practicing but it’s her secondary focus and she still needs to escort one of her immortal family members to the afterlife to complete her class immortality. She’s still stuck at rank 5 classer so idk how being in the Monarch realm would affect her

gray matter

I’m excited as well. I don’t mind the interludes though as there is a lot of shit to learn about during the time skip and we will probably have a string of Ryun when it starts. I want to know how far he has gotten reworking his combat mastery and whether or not he has just purely cycled for 3 years deepening his core and waiting on his advancement till he needs it or if he has progressed through the evolved realm at all.


... leading up to the four-meter-tall Wall. Is four meters not a bit low? Previously it was stated, that even the weaker monsters are about as strong as an average Monarch Cultivator. With these kind of powers / stats they should easily be able to jump over it or on the rampart and don't need bridges for it. Fourty meters would make more sense.


Well the wall was originally build as the last defence against 1st and 2nd generation. And for them 4 meters is more than enough its 2x there hight afther all.


Are you releasing chapter today


You should calm down. Authors have real lives and stuff happens. He is also trying to write the best chapters he can and not release half ass chapters. So sit yo butt down and appreciate that you have something to look forward to.


You are being extremely disrespectful. You don't get to speak in such a manner to me just because you paid a few bucks for one month. I never promised you an extra chapter. I said that I would probably get an extra chapter out, which isn't a promise, and as others have already pointed out, I said that I will catch up to 9 chapters over the next few weeks. I did say that I moved the chapter to the weekend, but I also said that I wasn't happy with it. I've been consistent with chapter releases for over a year without breaks or any real delays. You need to learn how to speak with people with minimum respect that everyone is owed.


Yeah I start patron and the first thing I get is delays and then something about moving it to the weekend then it doesn't show up me as a new pattern doesn't know your whole year of realeases and just sees you braking your own word I guess be more open ended with delays.

Pedro Sernagiotto

It isn't really a big deal, he always deliver the 3 chapter per week, the problem is he just got out of vacation pos the 3rd volume, so he is having to put out extra chapters to catch up to the 9 ahead, since he doesn't intend on taking a week off of posting on RR like he did on Patreon...