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I wonder if kael releasing the monsters was known to erik, as the parents clearly did not knpw about it.

Callum Brocklehurst

Perfect place for ryun to fight he's more likely to kill himself from all the power he will have than anything else having a chance of killing him


Generally awesome chapter, so many.questions, but I am sure answers will come in time

Juli Freixi

Karma strikes... muahahahahaha Well, thanks a lot for this amazing interlude!!


I don't really get what Kael is trying to accomplish. He obvious doesn't want to wipe out all life, does he just not realize how dangerous the domes are? What an idiot. The people he's 'trying to save' are the ones who are going to be slaughtered.

Michael scott

Thanks for the chapter. Damn thats good. Never give a necromancer a 1000 years to prepare. Lord of Death indeed. I wonder if the Bullwork Of the Deep survived. Stupid 3rd iteration. Never trust an ally who has differant goals. Here comes the King in Yellow bitches. Hope your ready.


Super epic but tbh im kinda super confused about a lot of whats going on ;p

Ethan Norton

Long live the third empire!


Great Chapter, loved that short battle between the high rankers and the swarm. It seem's like their are multiple domes, so if he only released one, I think they can manage albeit at great cost, especially if the majority of the cabal and high rankers just got wiped out. Still Kael ain't smart, this was a bad move, like he wants to protect the lower level people, and yet creates a situation where those same people are going to die in untold numbers. He's going to be responsible for the death's of slaves, the very people he says he wants to free. The honestly, their is no way the deal maker or someone doesn't intervene right? The system was set up in such a way that those domes would fall at a specific time, and changing that time goes against the plan from the gods. I could see the Deal Maker asking Ryun to intervene as his favor since fighting a giant swarm of monsters is his specialty, I can't even imagine the stats Ryun is gonna have, especially if he can level up his aspect of death perk, lol just from punch someone not only will his enemy die but you just know his arm's gonna explode as well, good thing he got god tier regen.


No intervention from higher powers,, they put the option to release them early


We're those tier nine skills?


Loved this chapter just a little gutted it ended when it did , for the first time in a very long time I’m very much looking forward to a Monday 😳 😁 and thanks for the chapter 🙂

Juli Freixi

I see a people saying that Kael is an idiot, etc. but it must be taken into account that beyond his plan for people to truly strengthen themselves to fight against the other 26 domes, this plan is the revenge of him and his people against those who remain in power and prevent others from progress ...


It says erik's looking for his sister isnt it his daughter? Or is erik the older brother who wasn't at the meeting? I thought it was one of the father's.

gray matter

He is because he didn’t care about the consequences but if he succeeds in releasing just one and doing enough damage to hierarchy the world may have enough time to get their shit together for the rest of the domes in the coming years


Epic shit!!!


Yirrel probably survived. She seems to be the one to hold the Cabal together the most and is important for Zach's future. But one of the other Titan Rankers, Raela, or her sister Yerala, or, both could now die. I think it is the sister.


Kael thinks the only way he can save the people (from how weak they are) is to bring down the current rule/system he thinks the reason why people are so weak and taken advantage of is because they fear danger and don't go out to grow in power there is literal infinite existence out there of uncharted territory potential power just waiting to be taken yet people prefer safety and the people with established power take advantage of these people's weakness that's why kael said they are already lost he doesn't care for them. Because of what he did am sure slot of people are going to die the current order of things will be destroyed, I think he thinks they will win but by that time things would have changed no one born after this event would want to be victim should this repeat again so everyone will strive to be powerful always remembering this day.


wow, that was amazing.


So quick note to the author (if he reads these haha) about the future and something I really don't want to see. I feel like it's fairly obvious that the spear of sorrow will end up with melody's spear and possibly true aspect possibly later on the future but more probably during the upcoming fight both because they need the power and because it will tie them closer together I'm cool with that what I'm worried about is that melody's memories will be attached and we will have flashbacks and I really REALLY dont want to have to reread the end of her life and the abuse she suffered. Maybe I'm just paranoid but I can see flashbacks being used to emotionaly tie them closer together and I don't want to relive her end and what she was forced to do. thanks for the hard work love the story it's the first patreon I've ever backed.


True man... Just the implicit things that happened were horrible...

gray matter

Am I the only one mad at the third iteration for doing this shit now, so close to the final test? They have fruits to eliminate certain paths they understand the power madness so much better. Both old kings/leaders needed to die and they pull this shit now?


Ya it's not smart. I mean they don't know the guy was gonna open one of the walls true but they do know that ina few years they start opening themselves soooo pretty dumb.


I think kaeliss has severely underestimated what he has just unleashed. How can things be made a new when there is nothing living left?