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Boost Infinite Realm on topwebfiction!


Callum Brocklehurst

I want to go forward in time take all ur chapters and binge them

Juli Freixi

Ooohhh!! Amazing awakened object!!! I really like it!! Thanks a lot for the chapter Ivan Kal!!

Michael scott

Thanks for the chapter. That's some underwhelming loot


Thanks for the chapter 🙂


Thanks for the chapter. Not gona lie I was kinda hopeing that he would get a awakened weapon with a personality I liked, its early days to say I don't so far but greedy isn't a great start. Of the three I would have had him pick cabin maybe it would have given him a area with void to cultivate in at a higher bond.


Thanks for the chapter really liked Ryan and Selia conversation but the rest was kind of generic.


Not going to lie, disappointed that Ryun lost. Wanted to see a cool moment with aspect of the eternal hunter.


Its why I was glad to see the sword given away the personality wasn't something I wanted to constantly hear so hopefully the greedy hammer won't be as overbearing also while I can see the harpoon as necessary they are by far the least interesting part of his combat kit but I'm sure you have some plan for it so ill be patient and read on these are just gut reactions since I can't keep reading to see what happens ha. I do like that he doesnt want to become reliant on items in combat and I'm really enjoy reading your book its my favorite litrpg by far so don't take this to harshly.

Michael scott

I think both this match, and the rest of the high division will come down to who can use their Ideal. And who has it on cool down. Reki already said he wanted to keep his to use it in the finals.


I was hoping he would choose the house and it would evolve to be extremely OP (just drop a massive fortress with essence cannons on your enemies, waltz in, and become basically invincible)


I was hopeing for the cabin to but more along the lines of having a room full of void to cultivate in.


I feel obligated to comment after seeing some disappointment in Ryun losing from fans so imma give my thoughts. For starters I would have liked for him to win but it's not a big deal he lost. Think about it, Reki was the favorite to win the tournament and Ryun almost beat him without an Ideal, while using the match to practice instead of entirely going for the win, and finally you got to remember, Ryun isn't a duelist, Zach is. Ryun excels at 1 vs many. It's ironic that zach was in the team matches and Ryun in the solos when they are both stronger in the opposite elements. Ryun probably.would have had an easier time 1 vs 5 then 1v1ing Reki. Also people disappointed about the eternal hunter I don't get. It's a trump card, not only that it grants true death and scared the shit out of the high rankers in that meeting. Using it in the tournament and announcing it to the world would.be the height of foolishness. Ryun is strong and doesn't really need to prove it at this point imo. Finally we know that shit is gonna go down later in the tournament so best to get out now and have people underestimate him later when it's life or death


i agree with most of your points but one thing i continuously see that i dont agree with is the idea that ryun is bad 1v1 i know you diddnt necessarily say that but i see it alot . He gains ALOT from fighting groups of people but his kit is extremely strong in 1v1 he still drains stats is very hard to damage can deal a ton of damage thats hard to mitigate hes mobile with a very strong perception skill and he has alot of experience fighting probly more vs monsters than opponents but still. i understand why he lost but its ok to be bummed out that he did i was even if im glad he diddnt decide to break the rules to kill someone just to win. to make this less of a ryunfest i think zach has a great kit vs multiple people aswell with all his dimension hopping and element swaps ect. dont mean for this to come across as confrontational if it even does i just feel like people see ryun as only good vs hordes ( yes he gets the most from these situations).