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Heya! Here is something to ease the wait for the next chapter! The artwork is now done, if you are on discord you've seen the progress. If you don't remember, or are new here, the poll option that won was six main characters side by side. I've decided that just having them all standing there wouldn't make for the best possible art so I went with five small scenes featuring the six main characters. In order they shown in the art: Ryun, Zach, Reyla, Nayra, Kael, and Anrosh.

This beautiful artwork was done by Giselle Almeida, who you can check out here https://www.artstation.com/gisellealmeidagpa/profile 

Also, I've commissioned another piece which will remain a secret, but it will be done in a month or so!

You can find the image attached below!




It looks great! I love Anrosh's pose in particular. Is Kael going to become a major character? He's had like 2 (maybe 3?) chapters.

Juli Freixi

Wow!!! AMAZING!! I love it!!! ❤ ❤ ❤ Thanks a lot Ivan Kal!!


Great work! Money well spent!


The twins are fighting, is this a spoiler? Ha! Great artwork


I image the void cracks on Ryun like the ones on the swarm at Starcraft 2. It looooooks so much better imo than void cracks on the nipples


Other than that, he looks pretty good. Nice portrait of Zach and Anrosh too!


okay so ryun and zach are on the left then we got the twins now who is the dragonborn with wings? and im guessing that the last one is ryuns second in command because of the ice more so than shifter girl (names are hard)


Do you know if your release chapter tonight or tomorrow morning yet


Um. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Ruyn supposed to be Asian?