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Michael scott

Thanks for the chapter. So the Spear of Sorrow neads an AWAKENED spear. What a coincidence. Ryun just happens to have one.

Christian Basso

Isn't it a waste to use the elixir now if he has only 2 perks that affect his core?


My only pet peeve is how arbitrarily high the value of the item ends up being. And since there wasn't any proper highest value Selia is allowed to use the actual number sorta loses its meaning. We are even told several times 1k IE to her isnt much considering she is a Sect Leader. Ryun on the other hand has 3k IE upper bound. So when the item he wants goes past that we as readers get somewhat frustrated he didnt get. But when Selia decides to get she isnt really paying for it. Her sect/grandfather is the one covering the cost( mostly). Idk, I think it diminishes the figurative moment of trust its suppose to create when she displays her interest in him and securing their relationship above what reflects the interests of her sect and the money itself.


There are only 4 unknown culti perks, so if one of those effects his core then maybe. But currently he has all the known current ones. The question if it excludes him from the early Heavenly Perk upgrade from the second path, if it does it may be something to hold onto until then


I'm assuming its her personal wealth, she is loaded as a sect leader


This budding romance is pretty great. I can't wait until everyone realizes that Erdania and he are already acquainted. Maybe he can split the other half of his Reaper perk to two women?


There's probably gonna be some drama between the three as Selia will most likely get the full Reaper bonus and Melody's Spear.


Ryan asked Zenker a few chaps back “What do you know about soul damage?” And now he wants to obtain the True Soul Core Reformation Elixir and it seems to be for himself. Can we conclude that Zenker has advised Ryan as to this sort of solution?


Funny, how Ryun doesn't care about wealth, essence or resources, but he wants the most expensive item.^^


No. Ryun asked Zenker about soul damage because he wants to find a remedy for Tali. Ryun doesn't suffer from soul damage, he just wants to increase his core for more Qi.


Kind of seems like Ryun got.... Bought out? Like he in the end just allowed himself and his trust in Selia to be bought? Does anyone else have that impression?


I hope we get to see Ryun ideal perk soon


No because Selia admitted to herself that they don’t have much influence/control over Ryan. So he’s not sold out, in fact he’s obtained an item he would probably not have otherwise been able to achieve