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At the beginning of the third paragraph, "Anorsh gestured at one of the attendants holding scissors". Should be Anrosh

Michael scott

Thanks for the chapter. Lesa keep Ryun out of trouble. That's not a very good plan.


Love scenes like this! Thank you for the chapter!


Thanks for the chapter!!


Thank you.. Good read!


Enjoyed the chapter, thanks again!


Thanks for the chapter. Ryun's behavior is again very amusing. Although, I think he should not allow Anrosh to push him around too much or spent his essence so frivolously. Ryun always valued essence and used it sparringly, now he waste it on clothes instead to buy something useful, that's not like him at all. For example, on Earth people wasted their essence to buy food, while he ate monster meat to save his essence. Anrosh only sees his connection to the High Rankers as a good opportunity for the sect, not realizing, that nothing is for free, and that it is Ryun who will need to pay the prize for it at one point. Looking forward to his second meeting with Selia. I hope he doesn't make it too easy for her, and they become something like equal partners instead of him being a subordinate.

gray matter

I doubt that’s a possibility Ryun doesn’t make meetings easy. I’m interested to see if during the competition Selia spoke enough to Erdania for her to realize who the 7th ranker was and if she will be at the meeting. I’m also interested in how much she will reveal the difference in the two groups


Where’s the new chapter?


Don't totally agree with your views on anrosh but I'm way to lazy to type out why haha.