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Here ya go. Finally done with Zach, huh?






thanks! just in time before bed :)


Also I like zach too! not as much as ryun, but i do appriciate him and think its better to have both


Thanks for the chapter. It was really cool to see Ryun react to Zach in that way. I know a lot of people liked Ryun from the start, but I wasnt as big of a fan of him. Pretty much everyone agrees Zach was way too rigid and unreasonable at the start. You've done some amazing character development and both characters have become much more complex and entertaining as the story has progressed.


Yeah i think the relationship and dichotomy between the two of them is one of the things that makes this story so great


Well written


The best part of this story is how the character relate and grow in relation to each other, so while I am pumped to see how Zach relates to Ryun and his crew, I don’t really care for Zach himself. Hopefully we get a chance to see way more of Ryun and the people around him!


64 million CE being shelled out for the semi-semi-semi-semi-semi finals of the mid ranker team tourney. Wonder what Ryun is going to end up getting for qualifying in the high rankers.

Ethan Norton

Wow! That fight really just showed how much better zach is than ryun! I really don't think that ryun could have even taken 3 of of them at the same time while zach could take 4 of the top people in the entire world and still kill one! I cant wait for when they finally fight and ryun finds out what true pain feels like! In other notes great chapter!


Did he lose or did he just rewind time?


Ryun is an army killer as that drake mentioned (simply by perks) so I wouldn't be to sure about that. The more people stand against him, the stronger he gets. And I am a ryun-fan so.... Take that back!!? 😂 PS: the password seems kinda lazy this time xD ( I like it )


I think he just wanted to prove(to himself) he could defeat one of the members of the opposite squad. After defeating one he allowed himself to be eliminated.


Thanks for the chapter


Yeah the rewind time is op if you don't know about it before hand


Zach is Forrest Gump, the way forward will always find him.


its not relevant to the chapter but does anyone else feel like ryuns wolf pet person is pointless? not entirely sure why he was added to the story he never interacts with anyone he grows with power with ryun but we have no idea what he can do or how strong he even is and he cant fight with ryun due to the way he fights. just kinda seems liek he coulda been made not a pet and had the exact same story impact.


It was probably just an idea Ivan was fleshing out and hasn’t completely decided what to do with it. Made for a decent story arc at the time.


Ya I'm not saying the arc was pointless I'm saying at this point it could have been the exact same arc with him just being a wolf ally


which tbh id rather he fights without a pet than with dont want his power to be tied to others. im just saying it diddnt seem to matter much thus far. not complaining even just thought it was curious.


Damn I dislike Ryun XD. Really good character writing.