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Took a bit longer to edit, important chap.

We've also crossed the 500 patreon mark. I'll make a post about how the art goal stuff will work soonish.

Song for the Chapter 







Ford-Thomas Frank Loveland

I wonder if the next chapter will be an immediate follow up, ir Ryun's PoV if the events


worth the wait!


Wonder what Yirrel has in mind for them and what was the whole point of putting zach in the tournament in the first place.


So I guess Zach is not going to try and kill Ryun anymore. I hope that at some point they can talk and Ryun can explain what happened to him with that perk


Great chapter


I enjoyed this chapter a lot nice characters development for Zachary. Hope we get a chapter from ryuns POV or someone on his side


Hopefully a followup not a fan of reading about the same things happening twice rather it skip ahead and just have his thoughts rather than reread the entire tourny fights and encounter again.


I am curios if he passed the warden commanders test


I would like Zach to have a chat with Ryun at some point and hear his reasons now that Ryun isn’t mad , not sure Zach would forgive him but it could still be some closure so they can move on with their lives until they finally meet in battle together either soon against the exiles or when the monsters in the domes are eventually released, thanks for the chapter 🙂


Nice chapter, thanks. Been a long time coming! 😀 Surely Ryan with his senses must have felt Zach when he exited the arena. Did he just ignore him?


He didn't have that level of sensory power when he last met Zach, so he couldn't tell that it was him.


So he did abandon earth xD (did you read my comment ?! ) Well I kinda expect you to read all the comments (partially at least) I was kinda creepy to read about it in the following chapter 😅 I feel you made that 'reunion' perfect!


Yup! I read most of patreon comments, although I am sure that I miss some. But can't respond to everyone :D


why are the domes not common knowledge. with how the people live, it is going to be a massacre

Oliver Wolfe

If he abandons earth in his head, would the system remove his last heir of terra perk? Or is it more a perk representing who he was then, kept as he progresses in the IR?


I feel like killing Ryun would be the true abandonment of earth as the 2 last survivors would both die and therefore leaving earth without a legacy. It would be cool if heir of terra perk upgraded because of it.


I feel like you're trying to have it both ways, with Ryun having eyes that are "bottomless pits of Void" that still somehow show emotions