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Tyler Babcock

Oh crap it's not just a large beast hoard that's coming, but one from the domes themselves that's coming to the tournament. Always love to see moments when the almost random pieces of this world start to show just how not random they are.

Michael scott

If they unleash whatever that guy is on the tournament. I don't think anything will survive.


3rd iteration unleashed legions?

Raymond Horn

Based on the line about the crack in the world it seems more likely that this might be the Yeti who escaped the ethereal prison then a member of the 3rd iteration.

Tristan A

Honestly the design of these domes are sadistic. Based on the description these things are see through, so I can really see the horror of the first people that found the domes. Looking at this mass of monsters piled in this dome. I'm going to go ahead and guess that their teirs of power are insane too. My one thought though is why don't they just build around the domes. I mean yes it won't stop the monsters fully but shit anything helps. Gather resources and build bombs and arrays and shit. Also I get that they don't want everyone to despair, but like wouldn't it be better in the long run to let people know about the domes? That way more people push themselves to become stronger. Like these guys are allowing a society to develop where people are living semi-carefree when in reality doom is right around the corner. It doesn't make sense for them not to be pushing people to get stronger. Also I wonder how you open the dome. Can the monsters also open them, because if so the first thing Hastur is going to do is open the rest of the domes.


Because if they let the public at large know, the crazy people will also find out and the crazy people will then open the domes early to try and gain more power or items or shit like that