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Here ya go, chapter a bit early because of New Year today/tomorrow depending on where you are! Enjoy!

Song for the Chapter 






I really can't see zach being able to ever forgive ryun after seeing this that prison dream was accurate. Ryun really is the monster even clear headed he felt nothing for all the innocent. Thanks for the chapter hopefully sometime soon ryuns neck and shade reaver can meet.


Well let's see how the Zach and Ryun are going to interact at the competition!! He is a true monster!! And I think you got his motivations nicely. Well I stand by Ryun. If Zach attacks, he is fair game.


Thanks Ivan, wishing you a very Happy New Year!


I see it the exact other way around. Clearly Ryun wasnt just influenced by the Aspect inside him, His views on the world are skewed and he is hypocritical as fuck. He is mad that people didnt adapt and that people get exploited for safety, while he Decides that those people dont deserve to live. How in the fucking world is that not the same exploitation, killing someone not because they did something to you, but because they dont conform to your world? Sure I imagine the main reason he killed them on earth and isnt killing them now is because the Aspect isnt influencing him anymore, plus its a different world where he isnt the strongest anymore. Still, His views are slightly similar to Zachs Gf, The difference being, this is who Ryun is while Zachs Gf became like that because of fixing aspects of herself into skills that got skewed. Still Ryun is a very interesting character.

Tristan A

Hmm, maybe it's just me trying to justify liking Ryun as anything more than a very interesting antagonist or villain, but I wish there was more(Note that I'm talking about Ryun as person, not in the way that Ivan writes him). I mean Ryun clearly has the capability to create relationships still and to care for people. I mean it's one thing if he looks down on those who don't seek power, but like he killed kids and innocents. People who didn't even have the time to acclimate. I don't think that coincides with present Ryun. I might be wrong though. There are two main paths I see. Either Ryun actually just at his core is a apathetic being or even the "clear-headed" Ryun we see is still this being who had put a wall up to not have to manage the emotional stress of what you've done. I mean imagine blacking out and waking up in a city full of people you killed. Unless you were completely devoid of emotion that would break the human psyche, no matter how strong you are. Either way though whether we are looking at Ryun the Monster or Ryun the Tragic Hero(based off of the original usage of Tragic hero's in greek mythology) he's such a great character. I do hope Zach gives him his just desserts one day though. Thanks for the chapter.


Are there still going to be chapter Tomorrow

Juli Freixi

Wow!! AMAZING!!! Thanks a lot for the chapter!!