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Please say there's more D:


Aww, damn. I was hoping she would eat the fruit then realize how badly she fugged up.




Damn a cliff 😂 Thanks for the chapter!

Juli Freixi

Oh, shiiit!!! I need more!! Well, thanks a lot for the chapter!!

C. Wilbs

Ok, I got to ask... why the hell do you only post pdf and html files?? I mean, why don't you just post the story like so many of the other Patreon writers I follow? I love your story but it has always irked me that I have to download your chapters only to delete them after I read them as I don't keep files I don't use? And BTW, having to download each chapter makes it difficult for me to read your stories from my phone when I'm limited on data/download speeds ... so for real... what's the story here?


Because patreon text isn't friendly to colors and tables. And I don't think that the files are that large, the pdf is at most 150kb, not even half a mb. But I get you. I'll eventually move to hosting chapter on my website (In a month or so) so you won't have to download files anymore.