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Next chapter tomorrow! Still finishing up stuff!



How does this chapter really change zach in any meanigful way? He came to an incorrect realization though he obviously doesn't know that but how does this change how Zach is going to act? Is he going to go after Ryun harder now? I feel this is the opposite in thinking zach was going to come to terms and move towards forgiveness. Idk this chapter was just weird since I don't really feel like it did anything Basically what I mean is that Zachs goal is to get stronger to kill Ryun and all this chapter did was reaffirm that, not has changed expect the easing of zachs own guilt about something that he’s completely wrong on.


When did Zach use ethereal fissure? If the Cooldown is two weeks, then the ability would be back up if he had been in the ethereal realm for 3


Ryun committed genocide. How did Zach end up with the wrong conclusion lmao? It wasn't Zach's fault Ryun did that, so he doesn't need to hold onto the guilt.


The cooldown is one month since use. So 4weeks and change.

