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Next chapter tomorrow!



What day is universe on fire being released


I'm doing some last minute rewrites with my editor, so the release date is going to be next week. Probably November 4th!


Cool thanks




Ethereal realm is interesting but I can’t wait to get back to Ryun chapters!


Gemheart and Zach relationship like a child and parent/grandparent it’s really cool I hope he makes it out with Zach and Naha. It’s funny he told Zach to run if he sees a shade with more than 2 circlets and there’s already one with 8 before we even get inside lol. Thanks for the chapter


Gonna unsubscribe this month. I feel you procrastinate till the 25th or so and push out some chapters at the end of the month. Also, I do not like the focus on Zach or worse, other PoV characters I will never hear from again.


It's true that this happened this month. But Kal 99.9% of time pushes chapters on time. He has to take care of his main income which is his Book Series and he always says if stuff like that is going to happen. The book was mentioned that it will have 4 MCs and all will have their time to shine. I understand if that's not your cup of tea. But I think it works nice. All the Interludes, Side Chapters, and different MC's make this something unique (but unique doesn't always have to be good for everybody).


The multiple POV is actually quite interesting. I just miss Ryun and don’t like Zach nearly as much. Kind of sad Ryuns walkabout is a time skip. That actually sounds like it could be amazing. Still a fun story, and maybe I’ll be back in the future. Thanks for taking the time to reply.


Im the other way around I prefer Zachs chapters way more. I just like his character way more especially now that naha is here aswell. Ryun is a bit too cultivation novel style centered for me. Dont get me wrong so far I like ryun and his chapters aswell but if I wanted a purely ryun style focused novel I could read for example some cultivation novels. What makes this novel great for me is that so far every character has good chapters, to me it never feels jarring if the pov switches here and there and usually I hate multiple pov novels/books but here its done extraordinarily well imo