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Back to Ryun and Anrosh for a bit, then we are with Zach and the dungeon until the end of the dive.


Kevin Caffrey

Nice! I find the Ryun chapters a lot more interesting than Zacs, so glad he is getting more screen time. I’m not entirely sure why I prefer Ryuns POV, but I think it’s mainly because his character is much deeper. Ryun is a complex character full of both flaws and virtues, experiencing both growth and setbacks as he slowly regains his humanity. He sticks to a strict moral code, which he previously used partially as his lifeline while descending into grief and madness; that same code which is etched into his character continuously leads him into conflict while all he wants to do is advance quietly on his own. As for Zac, I can’t say much more about his character other than he wants to get revenge by killing Ryun and needs to get stronger.



