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Grid size: 35x30 (or 70x60 for the composition image)
Image size: 5250x4500 px (or 105000x9000 px for the composition image) 
Grid PPI: 150 px

The Thieves' Guild leader leaned in, looking over his 5 most trusted guildmembers.  "Brothers and sisters. An opportunity has presented itself. 

That little noble gobshite, Thegeiris Kryswing has finally decided to emerge from his cocoon to host a grand party at his manor for the higher social circles. A place as closely guarded as his, suddenly open for the picking... Ohoh, it's almost too perfect. 

This party, my friends, is our golden key. Obscenely drunk guests, loud music, preoccupied guards. It's the perfect storm for us to slip in unnoticed and liberate some of Thegeiris' prized possessions. 

You have one day to prepare. I leave the planning in your capable hands. You could set our forgers to work on imitating the party invitations for the lot of you, and get you in some fancy clothes? Or a more daring approach—poisoning the kitchen staff and slipping in as the replacement chef and servers? Bah, you'll figure it out. You're the professionals after all. Good luck comrades. Let's ensure Thegeiris Kryswing's party is one for the history books. 

This multi-story manor is the perfect setting for a one-shot! With your players as experienced thieves' guild members on the hunt for treasure, it's bound to be an adventure. On the top floor of the manor, your players can break into Thegeiris' secured room and crack open his vault.

Or... find something else!

Patrons receive 2 alternate top floor maps to change the end goal of their trip into the manor.

  • One has a magical portal, who knows where it leads? Or what it summons?
  • The other, a prison cell! Did Thegeiris capture one of his political adversaries? Perhaps even someone close to the party!

This is the PATRON version. You receive:

  • a composition image of all floors (grid and gridless) in one big map
  • Separate WEBP images for the 3 stories (grid and gridless)
  • 2 alternate versions of the top floor (prison cell, magic portal)
  • Universal VTT files of all separate levels for easy setup
  • 18(!) custom tokens for the noble party guests, servers, the Butler, the manor guard (and guard dog), plus the man of the hour- Thegeiris and his partner Jhulae.

The story prompt above is just a possible setting to use this detailed map for. Here are some of the key features:


Thegeiris' butler, Mr. Belvedere, welcomes the guests and inspects their documentation. Our intrepid adventurers, dressed up as local nobles, slowly get nervous as the butler peers over their forged letters of invitation one by one... before showing them inside, phew!

The Ballroom

The ballroom doors swing open, and our intrepid adventurers are greeted by a mix of smells- fresh pastries, exotic dishes, sparkling wine and heavy sigar smoke. The party seems to be in full swing and the local nobles are mingling, dancing, or in various states of intoxication. In the lounge in the far corner, Thegeiris is discussing a business deal with lord Eskerton from Waterdeep.

The Kitchen

The kitchen can be described in one word; Chaos. Multiple chefs are busy putting the finishing touches on the grand cake, the onion soup is burning on the stove, and- CRASH, a waiter just dropped his platter champagne!  An excellent distraction for the Rogue to slip in through the back window and creep inside...?

The Grand Display

Thegeiris has seen fit to have his prized artefacts displayed for his visitors to marvel at. The real question however... Are they even real? Perhaps Thegeiris is making a big show out of mere replicas? Something a trained wizard in the party could sniff out perhaps...

Thegeiris' bedroom

After slipping past multiple guards, our adventurers peek through the door of Thegeiris' bedroom. It's messy, but full of valuable trinkets. Should we look around, or hurry up the stairs before the guards come looking?

The Vault

There it is, Thegeiris' personal vault. Surely his most prized possessions are hidden inside. If only we had the key to this magically sealed gate. The rogue attempts to pick the lock again, to no avail. 

The party Artificer perks up and says with a heavy sigh: "I overheard the servers earlier. They say Thegeiris always carries a set of keys around his neck... Any plans?"

I hope this map can help elevate your next adventure, or be the playing field for a one-shot with you and your friends.  Happy partying!

Programs used: Dungeondraft, Photoshop

Assets used:  Forgotten Adventures asset packs (https://www.patreon.com/forgottenadventures) - Used with a commercial license




Used the ballroom map for a fight with a raging centaur noblewoman after the party destroyed her garden gazebo. Fight was set to Tango Notturno. 10/10 would use again.