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Ok first of all I DON'T KNOW HOW TO MADE WELL SOME STUFF so for those are expecting me to do something very big sorry but also this isn't so easy, When i finish yaya i would rename this one and left 2 things, Yaya nsfw that means yaya KM here, and yaya sfw that is original Yaya panda for be used as you wish, things i want is modify her skin for made her be a red panda to, but I SWEAR! RIGTH NOW IS 5:03 PM. in 1 hour afther this message i hope to had finished her to deliver to you the km version and the sfw version, wish me luck. you would see the change when says "Happy valentines 2024 Yaya Here"

And now being 5:56 pm i can say I had succed!

Later others say whatever they want bad from me, but you know i try to acomplish my word and here is the proof. enjoy her both. Other stuff and improvements i hope to do it in the transcurs of the month.

Note of the fix 17012024: I was uploading her with other files of a private model, sorry for the inconvenience.
