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For the moment I only had Heard i can't increase my prices. :/ I don't blame my friends who say me that, but at the same time, if I don't gonna increase the amount of money winned with each port I don't gonna take every request to bring something i don't like or don't satisfy me.

So for you know, my patreons, if one day youre interested you can use this or send to your friends about my stuff. i showed from 18 models what are 17 from different styles with an show can be done SFW stuff to.

I want to thanks to Tahlian who saw my last one shet and corrected me a little for gives you a better perspective.

Same as you, I don't have to despise or devalue my work just to do a favor.

I had made the dreams of many come true in this years, and i hope my models even being edits can made you smile or be helpfull in some way.

Update 28/01/2024 Afther do 44 more models afther this publish i gonna see if i do a limit, but now I haded to do a page only for the Complete map ports.
Update 18/03/2024 Yes i had done even more models, XD o dear good sometimes my pc don't rest.
Update 15/06/2024 Thanks to the death of one of my HHD disc i lost almost everything of the last 3 years, so posibly i gonna had to change also this because this also was lost.
Update 17/06/2024 a more simplyfied version and better explained.




sounds good to me and how do we let you know what we want just direct message on here


alright now to think of what i want lol