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Note: this gonna be 1 week for $5 dollars, and the next year on 1st of January would be public.

First of all i want to credit my friends Zebjo and Tahlian because thanks to their bases i made the current edits and i had help from them to adapt the bodys for use it.
Second i want to say thanks to Hush Puppy one friend i had who made me question all of you who could had been the next models, And credits to Mr Damian For be the one who recommended Kangaskhan in the first place, without resize the head of any of them, this would be how big are her and her daugther i guess...and i say it because for what i understand Kangaskan only was females.

Anyways here she is, i put the same Hush to you compare the sizes how a 40 units model is in comparasion to a 90 units and a 240 units models respectively.

And again pe



Damian Dirge

good lord i cant wait to get an animation on that going


XD glad i made your dream come true, i hope they 2 are something you enjoy to use :) also congratulations to be my inspiration today.