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-_- the people literally want to play with me, not in a good way like be player 2 in a videogame, no, they want to use me and take advantage of my good behavior, i'm seeing my past time on Deviantart and the people who made me look like an asshole a lot for a character i try to show allways happy and they only show him like an angry one....

personally i'm thinking what gonna happen when i retire, because i know the day that happen besides i enter again to lost everything again, i don't gonna do it, because i know there is a lot of assholes who want to see that from me, but i can say something, is really hard to think even for something good i did the persons don't even want to hear my name or be in the picture, if you want to hate me do it, but please don't interact with me, i'm tired of deal with people who wish my death.
