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so i would question to all my patreons here and Now, you know what gonna happen, even when i thinked, damn, all the patreons don't had level now, so that means any of them would gonna be charged, if i'm wrong, on the 1st of october had to happen that, -_- i don't know if i would had to refund you all, because my perspective, i would had to send all the money back XD i only hope i don't recive nothing this month, i'm testing more letting the payments on, but again, i hope none of you had to pay for it, if happen, i don't know, what would you like me to do for compensate you people?

Marie and pearl KM?


Big Up CB

giant man doesn’t care either way, but I know most people are going to say Marie because she’s more popular, so I’m going to say pearl

Aaron Hammack

I honestly don't feel like I need any compensation from you. Honestly if there's some way you could keep making models and posting them up for everyone to enjoy that would be more than enough for me. But I know that might not be possible still if there's a way I know you can find it and you've got friends who will gladly help too. So don't despair!


this are the reasons why i apreciated you, not for the money, for the quality of person you are. on the future maybe i post more models, one thing i had done recently maybe like to everyone, and i'm thinking for celebrate, one of my treasures maybe would be given to the world