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this is the most important, for my patreons please think about if continue here, not because i don't want you here, is obvius i want, but also i don't want you to feel be here for nothing, as you can see, until i get a new method of payment, the levels would gonna be down, so gonna be your decision if keep it or leave it, also thanks to all for support me this times and God dammit you don't belive the anger what provoke me this happen, whit this maybe i be 1 year as creator of patreon, but i don't gonna get anything for acomplish that personal goal, uh, the life is hard and sometimes internet dosen't make it more easy.


Guardian Nova

Everything sucks. Everything gets higher in price, big companies screw over the little man. It's bad. I hope you can still make amazing stuff man. I ain't leavin cause you've been a great help.


Thanks for the comments Nova :) i hope to bring other at least for november, is the aniversary and birthday of Lily

Aaron Hammack

I'm not sure unfortunately what's going on with paypal but I think there are alternatives to it? If so I guess you could look into them and see if one could work for you? I wish I could be more help Destroyer I really do. Still as others have said we'll find a way to overcome right> It's what we do as humans.


Indeed, if the things improve i would restore the levels, also because i don't know if patreon gonna do a big wip out i sended all this messages, the page will stay, but i'm preparing to be 0 patreons when be october. If they don't clean up all good only i'm gonna pause the stuff until be nedded, but personally paypal is a mess with my stuff recently, so i don't think is fair i ask for money when even that one can't be used for something good