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First in Spanish because I speak that, the translation in English will be later
primero en español porque yo hablo eso, la traduccion en ingles estara despues.

e de decir que para las 45 personas que tuve el placer de trabajar y darme ingresos mas de los que podia pedir en un tiempo en donde yo Sigo sin dinero, se les agradece, no es broma, yo conseguia 40 dolares al mes y por conseguir la tarjeta grafica para trabajar mejor es que literalmente quede con una deuda de 300 y como yo no tengo un trabajo real, esta era mi unica fuente de ingresos.

por eso me afecto tanto que me piratiaran los modelos, mas que el mas caro era algo que esperaba que Kabalmystic inclusive tuviera mas reconocimiento.

pero bueno ahora estamos aqui, con los modelos disponibles para todo publico y sin planes (por el momento) para crear mas, porque el plan era crear 1 por mes, y ya hice 15 en 8 meses.

una de las propuestas que me hicieron fue de hacer a Marie y a pearl de splatoon ya que ya estan las otras 2, pero no estoy convencido de ello por 2 razones, 1) si hago a marie la voy a hacer mas tetona o igual de lo que es la inkling girl KM, y mientras no vea tanto uso con callie no me motiva a hacer a la prima, 2) pearl es la mas pequeña, por lo cual incluso con mis bases de shortack podria funcionar, pero el problema es la cabeza, no me molesta que ella sea cabezona, me molesta que no exista un buen modelo de cabeza de ella. asi que hasta que vea alguna razon de porque deberia hacer esas 2 (una que cumpla mis necesidades) voy a hacerlas.

me han dicho tambien sobre mi propia situacion que me estoy quemando publicamente, y es verdad, asi que posiblemente este mes lo use para vacaciones, y no se, esta bien dificil decir que hare ahora que el principal motivo de mi patreon que era Vender los modelos ya no sea posible que me planteo.....tal vez lo cierre en algun momento, yo seguire apoyando a mis creadores de contenido, porque no soy solo un creador, tambien soy un cliente, y por eso respeto a los creadores a los que apoyo y se que doleria que se filtraran sus cosas sin su consentimiento

sin mucho mas que decir gracias por leer, es mucho, lose, me gusta escribir mas que hablar, y espero que tu tiempo con migo haya sido algo que disfrutastes, NO, no voy a cerrarlo, solo que, nose, es tener una tienda sin nada que vender.

i had to say that for the 45 people who had the pleasure of working and giving me more than those I could ask in a time where I still have no money, they are appreciated, it is not a joke, I got 40 dollars a month and to get The graphic card to work better is that it literally stays with a debt of 300 and since I do not have a real job, this was my only source of income.

That is why I affected me so much that the models piracy, more than the most expensive was something that I expected the model of Kabalmystic to have more recognition.

But now we are here, with the models available for all public and without plans (for the moment) to create more, because the plan was to create 1 per month, and I already did 15 in 8 months.

One of the proposals that made me was to do to Marie and Pearl de Splatoon since there are already the other 2, but I am not convinced of it for 2 reasons, 1) If I do Marie I am going to make her more busty or equal to what That is the inkling girl km, and as long as I do not see so much use with Callie does not motivate me to do the premium, 2) Pearl is the smallest, so even with my Shortack bases I could work, but the problem is the head is It does not bother me that she is Cabezona, it bothers me that there is no good head model of her. So until I see some reason why I should do those 2 (one that meets my needs) I will do them.

They have also told me about my own situation that I am burning publicly, and it is true, so possibly this month I use it for vacations, and I don't know, it is very difficult to say that I will now do that my patreon's main reason that was to sell the Models is no longer possible that I consider ..... Maybe I close it at some point, I will continue to support my content creators, because I am not just a creator, I am also a client, and therefore respect the creators to those who support and know that their things would be filtered without their consent

Without much more to say thanks for reading, it's a lot, I like writing more to talk, and I hope your time with me has been something that you enjoy, no, I will not close it, only that, it is to have a store With nothing to sell.


Femme Chub

Making Marie and pearl are both good ideas. Maybe you could give Marie Callies body, or give some other thicc body instead. Same with pearl. It would complete the set.


indeed, but also for that i would need to adapt the clothes of them for it, Marie had a kimono, but maybe i can show her as i show callie but with a cape, all would depend what happen next, besides how much people going to stay.


I agree with the pearl model , the current one is lacking and feels basic , marie , yea , is hard to make diferences when in game they are practicaly the same