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i want the opinion of my current patreons on this one, because at least i don't think i ask to much for my stuff, but sometimes i question....why they stole it if i'm more accesible?

i know the people like my stuff sometimes, but also i get worried when i know some people could had the models from other pages when i don't share them there, so here i question you people, should i leave the pricess of my subscription like this, or even made them more lower? because being honest, i win to little for do big projects, and sometimes the people ask a lot if i try to bring here my commisions, except for some people who was more economic or helpfull, i don't know, even i'm thinking that for some reasons.
one of them is the model payment could be optional, but at the same time i don't know, even i'm thinking when some of them would be taken down (even the free ones has been eliminated sometimes from patreon from other artist)
and i think maybe i do the prices like this on some time or some month, for example on december, maybe i do something craizy, or i don't know, i don't had so much clear my mind.
Ideas for lower them:
Warriors from 3 to 2 dollars (i will only win 1 of this ones)
Hunters from 5 to 3 dollars (i will only win 2 of this ones)
Vip agents from 8 to 5 dollars (i will only win 3 or 4 with this one)
rigth now my winings are i recive 2 dollars for each person who is in tier 1, between 3 or 4 for each one who is in tier 2 and between 6 or 7 from the people who is in tier 3 (yeah from the max tier is logic i recive more)
and i know some people would say, Don't be abaritious, but dude, i recive this once at month, and for talk about salaries or others i don't even win to much, well would be matter of think with a cooler head than rigth now, more incoming more problems.

and i know i know, where is the NSFW? personally i don't like a lot do Exclusive content when is treated to be a picture, i preffer that on the models, and i know i would pay some people for draw me some characters, but i don't think only on Sex or those stuff for say i'm allways on horny mode, there is more in life than that for me i think.

also i'm thinking a lot this things thanks to my family wants me to made this a business when is a hobby for me.


Aaron Hammack

Well I'm not sure I've understood everything you typed down but if the money you're making from patreon is helping your life finances I see no reason to lower the prices. As to why people steal other peoples works. They're lazy and instead of doing any work for themselves they take from others who are successful and then sell those goods as their own. It's just a thing people who have lost their conscious do. Unfortunately it's hard to make them stop or even track them down especially digital goods. But anyway i don't mind the current prices. They seem fair to me given the good modelling work you do.

Guardian Nova

Damn I'm sorry to hear that some people are stealing and sharing your models man. Your models are great and I don't think you should be lowering your prices.

Guardian Nova

Yeah it sucks, but people are gonna be like that sometimes. Even when the price is fair they'll still try and find a way around. Which is a dick move cause the artists and modelers need the money for obvious reasons.