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you wanted her as an exclusive for patreon, then will be.

Also i was thinking to release her on the June 2 thanks to there is sometimes many people who had his membership for only one second, but, who cares.

in this case i'm releasing her not because i reached my goal, i releasing her because i want a friend to had it that is also a patreon here, thanks dude, i hope she works well for you, maybe i try to do thext her suit, could be a good thing if i know how to made all how had to be.

And No, i know there is other KM edit of callie on deviantart, but this is my style, if you want the other, go to devianart, install MMD and there should be ready for you.

Credits to my friend Zebjo for the creation of the shorts.

Without more to say, enjoy, 




Awesome Model!

Aaron Hammack

She looks really nice. Good job on her. I'll try her out soon. Also I don't know if this is the best place to mention this but your female Metal sonic model has texture problems on her left hand. I'm not sure if there's any other problems so she might need a full look over just to be sure.


Metal sonic girl? mhm...i would had to take a look to her, thanks for mention her, besides thanks to a problem i would be out of discord a week, so i would maybe had time to do the fix in that time.


Aaron i haved seen the model even on SFM and i don't see the problem. i would see the vtf if maybe that help me to find the problem


Nice, Thank you for always being a great modeler! What do you think about the next model plan, maybe Marie?


And May I ask what model the octoling in the second picture is?


Oh! the octoling is my edit private, is Liara, i'm thinking what i should add to her on the future.


yooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lest go!!!!!!!!!