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As a continuation of the adventures of the newly minted lady deprived of her lower balls! I must confess that, for some reason, looking at this smooth surface where there used to be two balls turns me on a bit... Maybe I should draw something like this more... Want to see a version of our kitty devoid of its marbles? ;-)

The WIPs for this drawing will be posted the first of next month.




No balls isn’t my cup of tea but you’re the artist. Draw what you want.


Well, I don't find the castration itself funny as well, but the idea of balls disappointed at some point could be fun 😉 Anyway, let's see what future will bring us! 😀


I believe you doing something similar once before however they just regressed into the body. which was also good :)


Right, I think I'm starting to remember... It was quite a long time ago, if memory serves me correctly... =D


While I'll always prefer testicles to be even just a little present, even very deep in feminization, this is definitely not terrible. The idea of how we got here is a bit horrifying, but as long as she's happy lol


Kinda into this as well ngl. Wouldn’t mind seeing something like that in the future. Also the opposite kinda seems like an interesting idea. Just balls and no way to relieve them… that’s sure to lead to some big frustration.


Haha, that would be quite an intresting look at this topic! =D